GIF decoder Allow to use of GIF images in LVGL. Based on https://github.com/lecram/gifdec When enabled in lv_conf.h with LV_USE_GIF lv_gif_create(pare 阅读全文
PNG decoder Allow the use of PNG images in LVGL. This implementation uses lodepng library. If enabled in lv_conf.h by LV_USE_PNG LVGL will register a 阅读全文
JPG decoder Allow the use of JPG images in LVGL. Besides that it also allows the use of a custom format, called Split JPG (SJPG), which can be decided 阅读全文
BMP decoder This extension allows the use of BMP images in LVGL. This implementation uses bmp-decoder library. The pixel are read on demand (not the w 阅读全文
File System Interfaces LVGL has a File system module to provides an abstraction layer for various file system drivers. LVG has build in support for FA 阅读全文
Monkey A simple monkey test. Use random input to stress test the application. Usage Enable LV_USE_MONKEY in lv_conf.h. First configure monkey, use lv_ 阅读全文
Snapshot Snapshot provides APIs to take snapshot image for LVGL object together with its children. The image will look exactly like the object. Usage 阅读全文