' ============================================
' 常用全局變量
' ============================================
' 數據庫對像
Dim oConn, oRs, sSql
' ============================================
' 初始數據處理
' ============================================
' 執行每天隻需處理一次的事件
'Call BrandNewDay()
' 初始化數據庫連接
'Call DBConnBegin()
' ********************************************
' 以下為初始函數
' ********************************************
' ============================================
' 執行每天隻需處理一次的事件
' ============================================
Sub BrandNewDay()
Dim sDate, y, m, d, w
Dim sDateChinese
sDate = Date()
If Application("date_today") = sDate Then Exit Sub
y = CStr(Year(sDate))
m = CStr(Month(sDate))
If Len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = CStr(Day(sDate))
If Len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
w = WeekdayName(Weekday(sDate))
sDateChinese = y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日 " & w
Application("date_today") = sDate
Application("date_chinese") = sDateChinese '今天的中文樣式
End Sub
' ********************************************
' 以下為數據庫相關函數
' ********************************************
' ============================================
' 初始化數據庫連接對像
' 使用原則:最遲調用,最早釋放
' ============================================
Sub DBConnBegin()
' 如果數據庫對像已打開,不要再打開
If IsObject(oConn) = True Then Exit Sub
' 你可以不需要打開數據庫連接對像而直接打開記錄集對像,但如果你需要打開多個記錄集對像的話,效率是很低的。
' 如果你不創建一個數據庫連接對像,ADO會在每個記錄集打開時自動創建一個新的數據庫連接對像,就算你用的是相同的SQL語句。
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
On Error Resume Next
' Access數據庫
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("db/ewebeditor.mdb")
' SQL Server 2000數據庫
'oConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;UID=ewebeditor;PWD=123456;Database=ewebeditor"
If Err.Number > 0 Then
' 顯示錯誤信息,並且發送郵件通知管理員
'Call DBConnError(Err)
' 完全地退出正在運行的腳本
End If
' 創建一個記錄集
Set oRs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
End Sub
' ============================================
' 釋放數據庫連接對像
' ============================================
Sub DBConnEnd()
On Error Resume Next
Set oRs = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub
' ********************************************
' 以下為常用函數
' ********************************************
' ============================================
' 錯誤返回處理
' ============================================
Sub Go_Error(str)
Call DBConnEnd()
Response.Write "<script language=javascript>alert('" & str & "\n\n系統將自動返回前一頁面');history.back();</script>"
End Sub
' ============================================
' 格式化時間(顯示)
' 參數:n_Flag
' 1:"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
' 2:"yyyy-mm-dd"
' 3:"hh:mm:ss"
' 4:"yyyy年mm月dd日"
' 5:"yyyymmdd"
' ============================================
Function Format_Time(s_Time, n_Flag)
Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
Format_Time = ""
If IsDate(s_Time) = False Then Exit Function
y = cstr(year(s_Time))
m = cstr(month(s_Time))
If len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = cstr(day(s_Time))
If len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
h = cstr(hour(s_Time))
If len(h) = 1 Then h = "0" & h
mi = cstr(minute(s_Time))
If len(mi) = 1 Then mi = "0" & mi
s = cstr(second(s_Time))
If len(s) = 1 Then s = "0" & s
Select Case n_Flag
Case 1
' yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Format_Time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
Case 2
' yyyy-mm-dd
Format_Time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d
Case 3
' hh:mm:ss
Format_Time = h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
Case 4
' yyyy年mm月dd日
Format_Time = y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日"
Case 5
' yyyymmdd
Format_Time = y & m & d
End Select
End Function
' ============================================
' 把字符串進行HTML解碼,替換server.htmlencode
' 去除Html格式,用於顯示輸出
' ============================================
Function outHTML(str)
Dim sTemp
sTemp = str
outHTML = ""
If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "<")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", ">")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(34), """)
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(10), "<br>")
outHTML = sTemp
End Function
' ============================================
' 去除Html格式,用於從數據庫中取出值填入輸入框時
' 注意:value="?"這邊一定要用雙引號
' ============================================
Function inHTML(str)
Dim sTemp
sTemp = str
inHTML = ""
If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "<")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", ">")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(34), """)
inHTML = sTemp
End Function
' ============================================
' 檢測上頁是否從本站提交
' 返回:True,False
' ============================================
Function IsSelfRefer()
Dim sHttp_Referer, sServer_Name
sHttp_Referer = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
sServer_Name = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"))
If Mid(sHttp_Referer, 8, Len(sServer_Name)) = sServer_Name Then
IsSelfRefer = True
IsSelfRefer = False
End If
End Function
' ============================================
' 得到安全字符串,在查詢中使用
' ============================================
Function Get_SafeStr(str)
Get_SafeStr = Replace(Replace(Replace(Trim(str), "'", ""), Chr(34), ""), ";", "")
End Function
' ============================================
' 取實際字符長度
' ============================================
Function Get_TrueLen(str)
Dim l, t, c, i
l = Len(str)
t = l
For i = 1 To l
c = Asc(Mid(str, i, 1))
If c < 0 Then c = c + 65536
If c > 255 Then t = t + 1
Get_TrueLen = t
End Function
' ============================================
' 判斷是否安全字符串,在注冊登錄等特殊字段中使用
' ============================================
Function IsSafeStr(str)
Dim s_BadStr, n, i
s_BadStr = "' &<>?%,;:()`~!@#$^*{}[]|+-=" & Chr(34) & Chr(9) & Chr(32)
n = Len(s_BadStr)
IsSafeStr = True
For i = 1 To n
If Instr(str, Mid(s_BadStr, i, 1)) > 0 Then
IsSafeStr = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function Openmdb()
dim conn
'下面用的是Access Driver 不加數據庫密碼的
'conn_str="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&Server.MapPath(datafile)
'下面用的是Access Driver 加數據庫密碼的
conn_str="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&Server.MapPath(datafile)&";Uid=Admin;Pwd=password;"
'下面用的是OLEDB Driver 不加數據庫密碼的
'conn_str="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath(datafile)
'下面用的是OLEDB Driver 加數據庫密碼的
'conn_str="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath(datafile)&";User ID=admin;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password"
if not(IsObject(conn)) then
set conn =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open conn_str
set Openmdb=conn
end if
End Function
<%if trim(search_str)="" then search_str="search_str=str"%>
function MM_jumpMenu(selObj,restore){ //v3.0
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="foottxt">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center"><%if p>0 then%>
<%if p>1 then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p-1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p>0 then%>
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p+1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<%end if%>
| 跳第
<select name="p" onChange="MM_jumpMenu(this,0)">
<%for i=1 to allpage%>
<option value="<%=i%>"<%if i=p then response.write " selected"%>><%=i%></option>
頁 (<%=this_pagesize%>筆一頁)/共查詢到 <span class="alert"><%=rs.RecordCount%></span> 筆資料
<%end if%>
<%if trim(search_str)="" then search_str="search_str=str"%>
function MM_jumpMenu(selObj,restore){ //v3.0
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center"><%if p>0 then%>
<%if p>1 then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p-1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p>0 then%>
<%end if%>
remainder=(p mod 10)
if remainder=0 then quotient=quotient-1
for i=quotient*10+1 to (quotient+1)*10
if i>allpage then exit for
<%if p=i then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=i%>">[<%=i%>]</a>
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p+1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<%end if%>
| 跳第
<select name="p" onChange="MM_jumpMenu(this,0)">
<%for i=1 to allpage%>
<option value="<%=i%>"<%if i=p then response.write " selected"%>><%=i%></option>
頁 (<%=this_pagesize%>筆一頁)/共查詢到 <span class="alert"><%=rs.RecordCount%></span> 筆資料
<%end if%>
' ============================================
' 常用全局變量
' ============================================
' 數據庫對像
Dim oConn, oRs, sSql
' ============================================
' 初始數據處理
' ============================================
' 執行每天隻需處理一次的事件
'Call BrandNewDay()
' 初始化數據庫連接
'Call DBConnBegin()
' ********************************************
' 以下為初始函數
' ********************************************
' ============================================
' 執行每天隻需處理一次的事件
' ============================================
Sub BrandNewDay()
Dim sDate, y, m, d, w
Dim sDateChinese
sDate = Date()
If Application("date_today") = sDate Then Exit Sub
y = CStr(Year(sDate))
m = CStr(Month(sDate))
If Len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = CStr(Day(sDate))
If Len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
w = WeekdayName(Weekday(sDate))
sDateChinese = y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日 " & w
Application("date_today") = sDate
Application("date_chinese") = sDateChinese '今天的中文樣式
End Sub
' ********************************************
' 以下為數據庫相關函數
' ********************************************
' ============================================
' 初始化數據庫連接對像
' 使用原則:最遲調用,最早釋放
' ============================================
Sub DBConnBegin()
' 如果數據庫對像已打開,不要再打開
If IsObject(oConn) = True Then Exit Sub
' 你可以不需要打開數據庫連接對像而直接打開記錄集對像,但如果你需要打開多個記錄集對像的話,效率是很低的。
' 如果你不創建一個數據庫連接對像,ADO會在每個記錄集打開時自動創建一個新的數據庫連接對像,就算你用的是相同的SQL語句。
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
On Error Resume Next
' Access數據庫
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("db/ewebeditor.mdb")
' SQL Server 2000數據庫
'oConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;UID=ewebeditor;PWD=123456;Database=ewebeditor"
If Err.Number > 0 Then
' 顯示錯誤信息,並且發送郵件通知管理員
'Call DBConnError(Err)
' 完全地退出正在運行的腳本
End If
' 創建一個記錄集
Set oRs = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )
End Sub
' ============================================
' 釋放數據庫連接對像
' ============================================
Sub DBConnEnd()
On Error Resume Next
Set oRs = Nothing
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub
' ********************************************
' 以下為常用函數
' ********************************************
' ============================================
' 錯誤返回處理
' ============================================
Sub Go_Error(str)
Call DBConnEnd()
Response.Write "<script language=javascript>alert('" & str & "\n\n系統將自動返回前一頁面');history.back();</script>"
End Sub
' ============================================
' 格式化時間(顯示)
' 參數:n_Flag
' 1:"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
' 2:"yyyy-mm-dd"
' 3:"hh:mm:ss"
' 4:"yyyy年mm月dd日"
' 5:"yyyymmdd"
' ============================================
Function Format_Time(s_Time, n_Flag)
Dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
Format_Time = ""
If IsDate(s_Time) = False Then Exit Function
y = cstr(year(s_Time))
m = cstr(month(s_Time))
If len(m) = 1 Then m = "0" & m
d = cstr(day(s_Time))
If len(d) = 1 Then d = "0" & d
h = cstr(hour(s_Time))
If len(h) = 1 Then h = "0" & h
mi = cstr(minute(s_Time))
If len(mi) = 1 Then mi = "0" & mi
s = cstr(second(s_Time))
If len(s) = 1 Then s = "0" & s
Select Case n_Flag
Case 1
' yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Format_Time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
Case 2
' yyyy-mm-dd
Format_Time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d
Case 3
' hh:mm:ss
Format_Time = h & ":" & mi & ":" & s
Case 4
' yyyy年mm月dd日
Format_Time = y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日"
Case 5
' yyyymmdd
Format_Time = y & m & d
End Select
End Function
' ============================================
' 把字符串進行HTML解碼,替換server.htmlencode
' 去除Html格式,用於顯示輸出
' ============================================
Function outHTML(str)
Dim sTemp
sTemp = str
outHTML = ""
If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "<")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", ">")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(34), """)
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(10), "<br>")
outHTML = sTemp
End Function
' ============================================
' 去除Html格式,用於從數據庫中取出值填入輸入框時
' 注意:value="?"這邊一定要用雙引號
' ============================================
Function inHTML(str)
Dim sTemp
sTemp = str
inHTML = ""
If IsNull(sTemp) = True Then
Exit Function
End If
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "&", "&")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "<", "<")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, ">", ">")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr(34), """)
inHTML = sTemp
End Function
' ============================================
' 檢測上頁是否從本站提交
' 返回:True,False
' ============================================
Function IsSelfRefer()
Dim sHttp_Referer, sServer_Name
sHttp_Referer = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER"))
sServer_Name = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"))
If Mid(sHttp_Referer, 8, Len(sServer_Name)) = sServer_Name Then
IsSelfRefer = True
IsSelfRefer = False
End If
End Function
' ============================================
' 得到安全字符串,在查詢中使用
' ============================================
Function Get_SafeStr(str)
Get_SafeStr = Replace(Replace(Replace(Trim(str), "'", ""), Chr(34), ""), ";", "")
End Function
' ============================================
' 取實際字符長度
' ============================================
Function Get_TrueLen(str)
Dim l, t, c, i
l = Len(str)
t = l
For i = 1 To l
c = Asc(Mid(str, i, 1))
If c < 0 Then c = c + 65536
If c > 255 Then t = t + 1
Get_TrueLen = t
End Function
' ============================================
' 判斷是否安全字符串,在注冊登錄等特殊字段中使用
' ============================================
Function IsSafeStr(str)
Dim s_BadStr, n, i
s_BadStr = "' &<>?%,;:()`~!@#$^*{}[]|+-=" & Chr(34) & Chr(9) & Chr(32)
n = Len(s_BadStr)
IsSafeStr = True
For i = 1 To n
If Instr(str, Mid(s_BadStr, i, 1)) > 0 Then
IsSafeStr = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function Openmdb()
dim conn
'下面用的是Access Driver 不加數據庫密碼的
'conn_str="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&Server.MapPath(datafile)
'下面用的是Access Driver 加數據庫密碼的
conn_str="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&Server.MapPath(datafile)&";Uid=Admin;Pwd=password;"
'下面用的是OLEDB Driver 不加數據庫密碼的
'conn_str="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath(datafile)
'下面用的是OLEDB Driver 加數據庫密碼的
'conn_str="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source="&Server.MapPath(datafile)&";User ID=admin;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password"
if not(IsObject(conn)) then
set conn =Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open conn_str
set Openmdb=conn
end if
End Function
<%if trim(search_str)="" then search_str="search_str=str"%>
function MM_jumpMenu(selObj,restore){ //v3.0
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" class="foottxt">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center"><%if p>0 then%>
<%if p>1 then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p-1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p>0 then%>
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p+1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<%end if%>
| 跳第
<select name="p" onChange="MM_jumpMenu(this,0)">
<%for i=1 to allpage%>
<option value="<%=i%>"<%if i=p then response.write " selected"%>><%=i%></option>
頁 (<%=this_pagesize%>筆一頁)/共查詢到 <span class="alert"><%=rs.RecordCount%></span> 筆資料
<%end if%>
<%if trim(search_str)="" then search_str="search_str=str"%>
function MM_jumpMenu(selObj,restore){ //v3.0
if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="center"><%if p>0 then%>
<%if p>1 then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p-1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p>0 then%>
<%end if%>
remainder=(p mod 10)
if remainder=0 then quotient=quotient-1
for i=quotient*10+1 to (quotient+1)*10
if i>allpage then exit for
<%if p=i then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=i%>">[<%=i%>]</a>
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<a href="<%=this_page%>?<%=search_str%>&p=<%=p+1%>">
<%end if%>
<%if p<allpage then%>
<%end if%>
| 跳第
<select name="p" onChange="MM_jumpMenu(this,0)">
<%for i=1 to allpage%>
<option value="<%=i%>"<%if i=p then response.write " selected"%>><%=i%></option>
頁 (<%=this_pagesize%>筆一頁)/共查詢到 <span class="alert"><%=rs.RecordCount%></span> 筆資料
<%end if%>
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【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步