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以下内容译自 Dave Richeson 教授的博客 : What is the difference between a theorem, a lemma, and a corollary?


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定义 (Definition)

Definition — a precise and unambiguous description of the meaning of a mathematical term. It characterizes the meaning of a word by giving all the properties and only those properties that must be true.

定义 是对数学术语的精准明确的描述.


三角形的定义 : 三角形是由同一平面内不在同一直线上的三条线段首尾顺次连接所组成的封闭图形.

  • 描述了同一平面内,不共线的三条线段等属性.

  • 描述的属性对于所有三角形都成立.

  • 不包括特殊的(例如三边都相等),对于部分三角形不成立的属性.

定理 (Theorem)

Theorem — a mathematical statement that is proved using rigorous mathematical reasoning. In a mathematical paper, the term theorem is often reserved for the most important results.

定理 是通过严谨的数学推理所证明的数学陈述.


牛顿二项式定理 (binomial theorem) :

\[\large (x+y)^n=\sum_{k=0}^n\ C{_n^k} x^k y^{n-k} \]

  • 是对于二项式展开式的数学陈述.

  • 可以由归纳法证明.

引理 (Lemma)

Lemma — a minor result whose sole purpose is to help in proving a theorem. It is a stepping stone on the path to proving a theorem. Very occasionally lemmas can take on a life of their own.

引理 是辅助证明定理的次级结论.



Burnside 引理是证明 Pólya 定理的重要前置结论,可以用于解决有置换群关系的计数问题.

可以参考 P4980 【模板】Pólya 定理.

Raney 引理 :

对于整数序列 \(\{a_n\}\) , 定义 \(S_k = \sum_{i = 1}^{k} a_i\).

对于一个 \(S_n = 1\) 的序列,在其所有循环同构中,仅有一个满足 \(\forall i \in [1,n],S_i > 0\).


题目参见 [清华集训2016] 你的生命已如风中残烛.

推论 (Corollary)

Corollary — a result in which the (usually short) proof relies heavily on a given theorem (we often say that “this is a corollary of Theorem A”).

推论 是依赖给定的定理引出的简短的结论.

通常使用"推论"一词形如 : 这是某定理的推论.

对于余弦定理 (Law of cosines),原式如下 :

\[\large c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab\cos C \]

可以得出推论如下 :


命题 (Proposition)

Proposition — a proved and often interesting result, but generally less important than a theorem.

命题 是经过证明的通常较为有趣的结论.



译者注 : 这里命题指的应该是类似 断言 (assertion) 的小结论,而不是命题逻辑所说的命题.

猜想 (Conjecture)

Conjecture — a statement that is unproved, but is believed to be true .

猜想 是未被证实,但是被认为为真的陈述.


声言 (Claim)

Claim — an assertion that is then proved. It is often used like an informal lemma.

声言 是已经被证实的断言 (assertion).


译者注 : Claim 相较 Assertion 更为客观,突出已经证毕之意.

公理/假定 (Axiom/Postulate)

Axiom/Postulate — a statement that is assumed to be true without proof. These are the basic building blocks from which all theorems are proved.

公理和假定 是被假定不证自明的陈述.



恒等式 (Identity)

Identity — a mathematical expression giving the equality of two (often variable) quantities.

恒等式 是表明两个量的等量关系的数学表达式.



悖论 (Paradox)

Paradox — a statement that can be shown, using a given set of axioms and definitions, to be both true and false. Paradoxes are often used to show the inconsistencies in a flawed theory. The term paradox is often used informally to describe a surprising or counterintuitive result that follows from a given set of rules .

悖论 是在一组定义与公理下同时可证实也可证伪的陈述.



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