Quadtree(四叉树)& Octree(八叉树)












时间复杂度O(Log N)其中N是距离的大小。


时间复杂度是O(Log N) N是距离的大小。


  1 // C++ Implementation of Quad Tree
  2 #include <iostream>
  3 #include <cmath>
  4 using namespace std;
  6 // Used to hold details of a point
  7 struct Point
  8 {
  9     int x;
 10     int y;
 11     Point(int _x, int _y)
 12     {
 13         x = _x;
 14         y = _y;
 15     }
 16     Point()
 17     {
 18         x = 0;
 19         y = 0;
 20     }
 21 };
 23 // The objects that we want stored in the quadtree
 24 struct Node
 25 {
 26     Point pos;
 27     int data;
 28     Node(Point _pos, int _data)
 29     {
 30         pos = _pos;
 31         data = _data;
 32     }
 33     Node()
 34     {
 35         data = 0;
 36     }
 37 };
 39 // The main quadtree class
 40 class Quad
 41 {
 42     // Hold details of the boundary of this node
 43     Point topLeft;
 44     Point botRight;
 46     // Contains details of node
 47     Node *n;
 49     // Children of this tree
 50     Quad *topLeftTree;
 51     Quad *topRightTree;
 52     Quad *botLeftTree;
 53     Quad *botRightTree;
 55 public:
 56     Quad()
 57     {
 58         topLeft = Point(0, 0);
 59         botRight = Point(0, 0);
 60         n = NULL;
 61         topLeftTree = NULL;
 62         topRightTree = NULL;
 63         botLeftTree = NULL;
 64         botRightTree = NULL;
 65     }
 66     Quad(Point topL, Point botR)
 67     {
 68         n = NULL;
 69         topLeftTree = NULL;
 70         topRightTree = NULL;
 71         botLeftTree = NULL;
 72         botRightTree = NULL;
 73         topLeft = topL;
 74         botRight = botR;
 75     }
 76     void insert(Node*);
 77     Node* search(Point);
 78     bool inBoundary(Point);
 79 };
 81 // Insert a node into the quadtree
 82 void Quad::insert(Node *node)
 83 {
 84     if (node == NULL)
 85         return;
 87     // Current quad cannot contain it
 88     if (!inBoundary(node->pos))
 89         return;
 91     // We are at a quad of unit area
 92     // We cannot subdivide this quad further
 93     if (abs(topLeft.x - botRight.x) <= 1 &&
 94         abs(topLeft.y - botRight.y) <= 1)
 95     {
 96         if (n == NULL)
 97             n = node;
 98         return;
 99     }
101     if ((topLeft.x + botRight.x) / 2 >= node->pos.x)
102     {
103         // Indicates topLeftTree
104         if ((topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2 >= node->pos.y)
105         {
106             if (topLeftTree == NULL)
107                 topLeftTree = new Quad(
108                     Point(topLeft.x, topLeft.y),
109                     Point((topLeft.x + botRight.x) / 2,
110                         (topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2));
111             topLeftTree->insert(node);
112         }
114         // Indicates botLeftTree
115         else
116         {
117             if (botLeftTree == NULL)
118                 botLeftTree = new Quad(
119                     Point(topLeft.x,
120                         (topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2),
121                     Point((topLeft.x + botRight.x) / 2,
122                         botRight.y));
123             botLeftTree->insert(node);
124         }
125     }
126     else
127     {
128         // Indicates topRightTree
129         if ((topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2 >= node->pos.y)
130         {
131             if (topRightTree == NULL)
132                 topRightTree = new Quad(
133                     Point((topLeft.x + botRight.x) / 2,
134                         topLeft.y),
135                     Point(botRight.x,
136                         (topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2));
137             topRightTree->insert(node);
138         }
140         // Indicates botRightTree
141         else
142         {
143             if (botRightTree == NULL)
144                 botRightTree = new Quad(
145                     Point((topLeft.x + botRight.x) / 2,
146                         (topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2),
147                     Point(botRight.x, botRight.y));
148             botRightTree->insert(node);
149         }
150     }
151 }
153 // Find a node in a quadtree
154 Node* Quad::search(Point p)
155 {
156     // Current quad cannot contain it
157     if (!inBoundary(p))
158         return NULL;
160     // We are at a quad of unit length
161     // We cannot subdivide this quad further
162     if (n != NULL)
163         return n;
165     if ((topLeft.x + botRight.x) / 2 >= p.x)
166     {
167         // Indicates topLeftTree
168         if ((topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2 >= p.y)
169         {
170             if (topLeftTree == NULL)
171                 return NULL;
172             return topLeftTree->search(p);
173         }
175         // Indicates botLeftTree
176         else
177         {
178             if (botLeftTree == NULL)
179                 return NULL;
180             return botLeftTree->search(p);
181         }
182     }
183     else
184     {
185         // Indicates topRightTree
186         if ((topLeft.y + botRight.y) / 2 >= p.y)
187         {
188             if (topRightTree == NULL)
189                 return NULL;
190             return topRightTree->search(p);
191         }
193         // Indicates botRightTree
194         else
195         {
196             if (botRightTree == NULL)
197                 return NULL;
198             return botRightTree->search(p);
199         }
200     }
201 };
203 // Check if current quadtree contains the point
204 bool Quad::inBoundary(Point p)
205 {
206     return (p.x >= topLeft.x &&
207         p.x <= botRight.x &&
208         p.y >= topLeft.y &&
209         p.y <= botRight.y);
210 }
212 // Driver program
213 int main()
214 {
215     Quad center(Point(0, 0), Point(8, 8));
216     Node a(Point(1, 1), 1);
217     Node b(Point(2, 5), 2);
218     Node c(Point(7, 6), 3);
219     center.insert(&a);
220     center.insert(&b);
221     center.insert(&c);
222     cout << "Node a: " <<
223         center.search(Point(1, 1))->data << "\n";
224     cout << "Node b: " <<
225         center.search(Point(2, 5))->data << "\n";
226     cout << "Node c: " <<
227         center.search(Point(7, 6))->data << "\n";
228     cout << "Non-existing node: "
229         << center.search(Point(5, 5));
230     return 0;
231 }








  • 要在八叉树中插入一个节点,首先,我们检查一个节点是否存在,如果一个节点存在,然后返回,否则我们递归
  • 首先,我们从根节点开始,并将其标记为当前节点
  • 然后找到可以存储该点的子节点
  • 如果节点为空,则将其替换为我们想要插入的节点,并使其成为叶节点
  • 如果该节点是叶节点,则将其设置为内部节点,如果它是内部节点,则转到子节点。递归地执行这个过程,直到没有找到空节点
  • 时间复杂度是O(log(N))其中N是节点数


  • 从根节点开始,如果找到给定点的节点,递归搜索,然后返回true,如果遇到空节点或边界点或空点,然后返回false
  • 如果找到一个内部节点,就去那个节点。
  • 这个函数的时间复杂度也是O(Log N)其中N是节点数


  1 // Implementation of Octree in c++
  2 #include <iostream>
  3 #include <vector>
  4 using namespace std;
  6 #define TopLeftFront 0
  7 #define TopRightFront 1
  8 #define BottomRightFront 2
  9 #define BottomLeftFront 3
 10 #define TopLeftBottom 4
 11 #define TopRightBottom 5
 12 #define BottomRightBack 6
 13 #define BottomLeftBack 7
 15 // Structure of a point
 16 struct Point {
 17     int x;
 18     int y;
 19     int z;
 20     Point()
 21         : x(-1), y(-1), z(-1)
 22     {
 23     }
 25     Point(int a, int b, int c)
 26         : x(a), y(b), z(c)
 27     {
 28     }
 29 };
 31 // Octree class
 32 class Octree {
 34     // if point == NULL, node is internal node.
 35     // if point == (-1, -1, -1), node is empty.
 36     Point* point;
 38     // Represent the boundary of the cube
 39     Point *topLeftFront, *bottomRightBack;
 40     vector<Octree*> children;
 42 public:
 43     // Constructor
 44     Octree()
 45     {
 46         // To declare empty node
 47         point = new Point();
 48     }
 50     // Constructor with three arguments
 51     Octree(int x, int y, int z)
 52     {
 53         // To declare point node
 54         point = new Point(x, y, z);
 55     }
 57     // Constructor with six arguments
 58     Octree(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2)
 59     {
 60         // This use to construct Octree
 61         // with boundaries defined
 62         if (x2 < x1
 63             || y2 < y1
 64             || z2 < z1) {
 65             cout << "bounday poitns are not valid" << endl;
 66             return;
 67         }
 69         point = nullptr;
 70         topLeftFront
 71             = new Point(x1, y1, z1);
 72         bottomRightBack
 73             = new Point(x2, y2, z2);
 75         // Assigning null to the children
 76         children.assign(8, nullptr);
 77         for (int i = TopLeftFront;
 78             i <= BottomLeftBack;
 79             ++i)
 80             children[i] = new Octree();
 81     }
 83     // Function to insert a point in the octree
 84     void insert(int x,
 85                 int y,
 86                 int z)
 87     {
 89         // If the point already exists in the octree
 90         if (find(x, y, z)) {
 91             cout << "Point already exist in the tree" << endl;
 92             return;
 93         }
 95         // If the point is out of bounds
 96         if (x < topLeftFront->x
 97             || x > bottomRightBack->x
 98             || y < topLeftFront->y
 99             || y > bottomRightBack->y
100             || z < topLeftFront->z
101             || z > bottomRightBack->z) {
102             cout << "Point is out of bound" << endl;
103             return;
104         }
106         // Binary search to insert the point
107         int midx = (topLeftFront->x
108                     + bottomRightBack->x)
109                 / 2;
110         int midy = (topLeftFront->y
111                     + bottomRightBack->y)
112                 / 2;
113         int midz = (topLeftFront->z
114                     + bottomRightBack->z)
115                 / 2;
117         int pos = -1;
119         // Checking the octant of
120         // the point
121         if (x <= midx) {
122             if (y <= midy) {
123                 if (z <= midz)
124                     pos = TopLeftFront;
125                 else
126                     pos = TopLeftBottom;
127             }
128             else {
129                 if (z <= midz)
130                     pos = BottomLeftFront;
131                 else
132                     pos = BottomLeftBack;
133             }
134         }
135         else {
136             if (y <= midy) {
137                 if (z <= midz)
138                     pos = TopRightFront;
139                 else
140                     pos = TopRightBottom;
141             }
142             else {
143                 if (z <= midz)
144                     pos = BottomRightFront;
145                 else
146                     pos = BottomRightBack;
147             }
148         }
150         // If an internal node is encountered
151         if (children[pos]->point == nullptr) {
152             children[pos]->insert(x, y, z);
153             return;
154         }
156         // If an empty node is encountered
157         else if (children[pos]->point->x == -1) {
158             delete children[pos];
159             children[pos] = new Octree(x, y, z);
160             return;
161         }
162         else {
163             int x_ = children[pos]->point->x,
164                 y_ = children[pos]->point->y,
165                 z_ = children[pos]->point->z;
166             delete children[pos];
167             children[pos] = nullptr;
168             if (pos == TopLeftFront) {
169                 children[pos] = new Octree(topLeftFront->x,
170                                         topLeftFront->y,
171                                         topLeftFront->z,
172                                         midx,
173                                         midy,
174                                         midz);
175             }
177             else if (pos == TopRightFront) {
178                 children[pos] = new Octree(midx + 1,
179                                         topLeftFront->y,
180                                         topLeftFront->z,
181                                         bottomRightBack->x,
182                                         midy,
183                                         midz);
184             }
185             else if (pos == BottomRightFront) {
186                 children[pos] = new Octree(midx + 1,
187                                         midy + 1,
188                                         topLeftFront->z,
189                                         bottomRightBack->x,
190                                         bottomRightBack->y,
191                                         midz);
192             }
193             else if (pos == BottomLeftFront) {
194                 children[pos] = new Octree(topLeftFront->x,
195                                         midy + 1,
196                                         topLeftFront->z,
197                                         midx,
198                                         bottomRightBack->y,
199                                         midz);
200             }
201             else if (pos == TopLeftBottom) {
202                 children[pos] = new Octree(topLeftFront->x,
203                                         topLeftFront->y,
204                                         midz + 1,
205                                         midx,
206                                         midy,
207                                         bottomRightBack->z);
208             }
209             else if (pos == TopRightBottom) {
210                 children[pos] = new Octree(midx + 1,
211                                         topLeftFront->y,
212                                         midz + 1,
213                                         bottomRightBack->x,
214                                         midy,
215                                         bottomRightBack->z);
216             }
217             else if (pos == BottomRightBack) {
218                 children[pos] = new Octree(midx + 1,
219                                         midy + 1,
220                                         midz + 1,
221                                         bottomRightBack->x,
222                                         bottomRightBack->y,
223                                         bottomRightBack->z);
224             }
225             else if (pos == BottomLeftBack) {
226                 children[pos] = new Octree(topLeftFront->x,
227                                         midy + 1,
228                                         midz + 1,
229                                         midx,
230                                         bottomRightBack->y,
231                                         bottomRightBack->z);
232             }
233             children[pos]->insert(x_, y_, z_);
234             children[pos]->insert(x, y, z);
235         }
236     }
238     // Function that returns true if the point
239     // (x, y, z) exists in the octree
240     bool find(int x, int y, int z)
241     {
242         // If point is out of bound
243         if (x < topLeftFront->x
244             || x > bottomRightBack->x
245             || y < topLeftFront->y
246             || y > bottomRightBack->y
247             || z < topLeftFront->z
248             || z > bottomRightBack->z)
249             return 0;
251         // Otherwise perform binary search
252         // for each ordinate
253         int midx = (topLeftFront->x
254                     + bottomRightBack->x)
255                 / 2;
256         int midy = (topLeftFront->y
257                     + bottomRightBack->y)
258                 / 2;
259         int midz = (topLeftFront->z
260                     + bottomRightBack->z)
261                 / 2;
263         int pos = -1;
265         // Deciding the position
266         // where to move
267         if (x <= midx) {
268             if (y <= midy) {
269                 if (z <= midz)
270                     pos = TopLeftFront;
271                 else
272                     pos = TopLeftBottom;
273             }
274             else {
275                 if (z <= midz)
276                     pos = BottomLeftFront;
277                 else
278                     pos = BottomLeftBack;
279             }
280         }
281         else {
282             if (y <= midy) {
283                 if (z <= midz)
284                     pos = TopRightFront;
285                 else
286                     pos = TopRightBottom;
287             }
288             else {
289                 if (z <= midz)
290                     pos = BottomRightFront;
291                 else
292                     pos = BottomRightBack;
293             }
294         }
296         // If an internal node is encountered
297         if (children[pos]->point == nullptr) {
298             return children[pos]->find(x, y, z);
299         }
301         // If an empty node is encountered
302         else if (children[pos]->point->x == -1) {
303             return 0;
304         }
305         else {
307             // If node is found with
308             // the given value
309             if (x == children[pos]->point->x
310                 && y == children[pos]->point->y
311                 && z == children[pos]->point->z)
312                 return 1;
313         }
314         return 0;
315     }
316 };
318 // Driver code
319 int main()
320 {
321     Octree tree(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5);
323     tree.insert(1, 2, 3);
324     tree.insert(1, 2, 3);
325     tree.insert(6, 5, 5);
327     cout << (tree.find(1, 2, 3)
328                 ? "Found\n"
329                 : "Not Found\n");
331     cout << (tree.find(3, 4, 4)
332                 ? "Found\n"
333                 : "Not Found\n");
334     tree.insert(3, 4, 4);
336     cout << (tree.find(3, 4, 4)
337                 ? "Found\n"
338                 : "Not Found\n");
340     return 0;
341 }


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