新疆大学ACM-ICPC程序设计竞赛五月月赛(同步赛) H XOR
Once there was a king called XOR, he had a lot of land. Because of his name, he likes to play XOR games.
One day, he whimpered and wanted to establish N cities on that vast expanse of land, numbered 0, 1, 2..., N-1. He wanted to connect all the cities. If city A can reach City B through zero or one or several cities, then A and B are connected. The cost of repairing a road in City A and City B is the XOR value of number of City A and number of City B. This King XOR wanted to figure out the minimum cost for connecting all of the N cities.
Of course, like a fairy tale read as a child, there will be corresponding rewards after helping the king. If you help the king solve his problems, he will improve your ranking in the competition.
There are multi test cases
each test cases contains an integer N (2 ≤N≤ 20000), the number of cities the king wants to establish.
For each test case, print the minimum cost for connecting all of the N cities in one line.
The weightof the minimum cost is 1+2+1=4 In the Sample Example.
然后按照最小生成树的思想想一下就会发现,由于两点之间的权值是固定的,那么n个点得到最小生成树的结果其实就是在n-1个点的基础上加上n-1这个点连接0~n-2中的最小权值,由于连接的点都比n-1小,那么与n-1异或值最小的m,应满足 其二进制中除开n-1的二进制数中最后一个1的位置不同,其他位都相同。
emmmm 然后就直接打表处理~~
// Asimple #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define debug(a) cout<<#a<<" = "<<a<<endl using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int maxn = 20000 + 5; ll T, n, sum, num, m, t, len, ans; ll fa[maxn]; ll qpow(ll n) { ll ans = 1; ll a = 2; while( n ) { if( n&1 ) ans *= a; a = a*a; n >>= 1; } return ans; } ll count(ll n) { ll ans = 0; while( n%2 == 0 ) { n /= 2; ans ++; } return ans; } void init() { fa[2] = 1; for(int i=3; i<maxn; i++) { fa[i] = fa[i-1] + qpow(count(i-1)); } } void input() { init(); while( ~scanf("%d", &n) ){ cout << fa[n] << endl; } } int main() { input(); return 0; }