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摘要:方法的重载 在一个类中,方法名相同,形参的个数不同或形参的类型不同的两个和两个以上的方法叫做重载。 方法重载不需要看返回值类型,也就是返回值类型可以不同 调用方法的重载时,从上往下依次查找对应的类型(实参的类型与个数 和 形参的数据类型与个数) class Test{ public int t1(i 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-07-22 09:28 傻孩子不吃辣 阅读(24) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:面向对象与面向过程 首先,我们解决问题一般都是将详细的步骤一步一步用代码的形式交给计算机处理,这个就是面向过程 而面向对象呢,毫无疑问就是针对这件事的对象的,就比如我们将要做一件事物,可以将具有相似功能的抽象为同一个对象,再通过调用每个对象的不同方法来解决问题。 例:我们要用洗衣机洗衣服 面向过程: 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-07-20 23:35 傻孩子不吃辣 阅读(63) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要:1、java概述: java发展历史 java诞生于SUN公司,09年的时候被Oracle甲骨文公司收购 1996年发行JDK1.0版本,至今已经有26年,目前所学jdk8.0 java跨平台原理 因为java是运行在java虚拟机JVM上的,JVM是通过软件模拟出来的一个虚拟计算机,再执行字节码文 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-07-19 13:34 傻孩子不吃辣 阅读(34) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

  1. 1 The Flood Joshua Hyslop
The Flood - Joshua Hyslop
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作词 : Joshua Hyslop

作曲 : Joshua Hyslop

Here comes the flood again

Watch it fall from the sky

Feel it soak through my flesh and my blood

Feel it burn in my eyes

When I say how much more can I take?

I know the water’s rising up, watch the waves crest and break

And though I’ve made nothing but a sound

I fear that I may drown

I fear that I may drown


Here comes the wind again

Cold that cuts to the bone

Pack my bags and I’ll head out the door

Here I am on my own

When I say how much more can I stand?

I know my walls are falling down; I left the rocks and chose the sand

And though I’ve no one left to blame

Still, I cursed your name

I cursed your name


So now the end

What I’ve been running from

Though I’ve tried I cannot lift my head

Oh, what have I become?

When I say how much more can I take?

I know my time is running short, I am broken and I’ll break

And though I’ve worn myself so thin

I’m coming home again

And though I do not know my heart

Well, I know myself down to my bones, but if my bones should come apart

Then I’ll have nothing left to give

But if you take me in,

I’m coming home again

If you take me in

I’m coming home again