CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sp_RegionCode_SD_value] AS DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @sqlStmt VARCHAR(100) BEGIN DECLARE tablenamecursor CURSOR FOR SELECT col.table_name FROM information_schema.columns col, information_schema.tables tab WHERE col.table_name = tab.table_name AND tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND col.column_name = 'REGIONCODE' ORDER BY col.table_name OPEN tablenamecursor WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN FETCH next FROM tablenamecursor INTO @tableName IF @@fetch_status <> 0 BREAK ELSE BEGIN SET @sqlStmt = 'update ' + @tableName + ' set regioncode=''440606000000'' where regioncode=''449000000000''' PRINT @sqlStmt EXEC(@sqlStmt) END END CLOSE tablenamecursor DEALLOCATE tablenamecursor END exec [dbo].[Sp_RegionCode_SD_value]