(C是一个实数) x趋于C时(经常的情况是"趋于无穷大时"),f(x)的极限是L。 the limit of f of x, as x approaches c, is L ※ f(x) can be made to be as close to L as desired by making x sufficiently close to c. |
f'(x) 或:f一撇x,f(x) 的导(函)数,函数f(x)的一阶导数(first derivative)。我们经常求某一函数的导函数在某一点的值。 ※ 导数所表示的是一个极限值,而不是两个数量 dy、dx 的商。 f''(x):f两撇x,f'(x) 的导(函)数,f(x)的二阶导数(second derivative) ※ 二阶导数是斜率变化快慢的反应,表征曲线的凸凹性。 |
,读作:x的m次方的微分=m乘以x的m减1次方乘以dx。(dx中的意思是infinitesimal [ɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪm(ə)l] adj. 极小的) |
若z=f(x,y),那么读作"函数z对x的偏微分(the partial derivative of z with respect to x)",或读作"偏捱副 偏捱克斯"; 因为这个符号是法国人发明的,一开始是叫round。 |
函数f(x)的不定积分 the indefinite integral of f(x)
函数f(x)在a,b的闭区间(即,[a, b])内的定积分 the definite integral of the function of x from a to b |
一元函数(function of one variable)的图像y=f(x)在二维坐标里是曲线; 二元函数(function of two variables)的图像z=f(x,y)在三维坐标里是曲面; 三元函数(function of three variables)的图像w=f(x,y,z)在四维坐标里是立体; 只不过因为现实空间是三维的,所以需要一点想像力来想像四维坐标,及坐标里的立体。 |
limit Thus for the limit of a function to exist as the independent variable approaches c , the left-hand and right-hand limits must be equal.
if and only if
※ 如果函数f(x)在自变量x的变化过程中存在极限,即常数A,那么我们可以说f(x)收敛到A,简称f(x)收敛(convergence);否则,称f(x)发散(divergence)。 |
Derivative The instantaneous rate of change of a function with respect to its variable. 函数随其变量的即时变化率 Derivative is the slope of the tangent line to a function graph, e.g. a curve, at a certain point. Also called differential coefficient ,fluxion 微商/倒数函数图像(如曲线)某一点切线的斜率。
严格定义: 如果函数f(x)在(a,b)中每一点处都可导,则称f(x)在(a,b)上可导,则可建立f(x)的导函数,简称导数,记为f'(x). |
differentiation The process of computing a derivative is called differentiation 微分:计算导数的过程
设 u = u(x),v = v(x)为可导函数,c 是常数,则有:
partial derivative The derivative with respect to a single variable of a function of two or more variables, regarding other variables as constants. 偏导数/偏微商:多变量函数对其中一个变量的微商,其余变量视作常数.
过M0点作平面y=y0 / 过M0点作平面x=x0: