06 2013 档案
摘要:19Advanced Features 19.1InternationalizationgSOAP uses regular strings by default. Regular strings cannot be used to hold UCS characters outside of the character range [1,255]. gSOAP can handle wide-character content in two ways. First, applications can utilize wide-character strings (wchar_t*) ins.
摘要:18SOAP/XML Over UDP UDP is a simple, unreliable datagram protocol: UDP sockets are connectionless. UDP address formats are identical to those used by TCP. In particular UDP provides a port identifier in addition to the normal Internet address format. The UDP port space is separate from the TCP port.
摘要:17XML Validation The gSOAP XML parser applies basic rules to validate content. Constraints are not automatically verified unless explicitly set using flags. This helps to avoid interoperability problems with toolkits that do not strictly enforce validation rules. In addition, we cannot always use s.
摘要:14MIME Attachments The gSOAP toolkit supports MIME attachments as per SOAP with Attachments (SwA) specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments). In the following discussion, MIME attachment data is assumed to be resident in memory for sending operations and MIME attachments received will be.
摘要:12SOAP Fault Processing A predeclared standard SOAP Fault data structure is generated by the gSOAP soapcpp2 tool for exchanging exception messages. The built-in structSOAP_ENV__Fault data structure is defined as: structSOAP_ENV__Fault { _QName faultcode; // _QName is builtin char*faultstring; char*.
摘要:11gSOAP Serialization and Deserialization RulesThis section describes the serialization and deserialization of C and C++ data types for SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 compliant encoding and decoding. 11.1SOAP RPC Encoding Versus Document/Literal and xsi:type InfoThe wsdl2h tool automatically generates a header f.
摘要:10The gSOAP Service Operation Specification FormatA service operation is specified as a C/C++ function prototype in a header file. The function is REQUIRED to return int, which is used to represent a SOAP error code, see Section10.2. Multiple service operations MAY be declared together in one heade.
摘要:8The wsdl2h WSDL and Schema Importer The wsdl2h tool is an advanced application that converts one or more WSDLs to C/C++. It can also be used without WSDLs to convert XML schemas (XSD files) to C/C++ to implement XML data bindings in C and C++. The creation of C and C++ applications from one of mor.
摘要:7Quick User Guide这个用户指南提供快速的方式来使用gSOAP。理解本节需要对SOAP协议有一个基本的理解,还需要熟悉C/C++。如果你对SOAP协议没有深入的了 解,你也可以使用gSOAP开发C/C++的基于SOAP的C/S程序,不过,前提是客户端和服务端一致并且只在小组内通信(即,你不需要担心其他 SOAP实现的互操作性)。本节开始说明gSOAP Web服务端和客户端的实现,进而说明与其他SOAP实现的互操作性,比如Apache Axis、SOAP::Lite和.NET。这需要了解SOAP和WSDL协议细节。 7.1 如何构建SOAP/XML 客户端一般情况下,SOAP客户.
摘要:2Notational ConventionsThe typographical conventions used by this document are:Sans serif or italics fontdenotes C and C++ source code, file names, and shell/batch commands.Bold fontdenotes C and C++ keywords.Courier fontdenotes HTTP header content, HTML, XML, XML Schema content and WSDL content.[O.
摘要:1 gSOAP 简介 gSOAP工具基于编译器技术为C/C++提供自动的SOAP和XML数据绑定. 该工具使用自动生成代码以及先进的映射方法,简化了基于C/C++的SOAP/XML Web service和XML应用程序的开发。。大多数Web services工具采用以WSDL/SOAP为中心的观点,并且提供一组API,使用这些API必须使用相应的类库来处理特定XML数据结构。这强迫用 户去适应该程序逻辑才能使用这些类库,因为用户在使用该特定厂商的API时必须编写代码去填充XML和抽取XML数据。这往往导致一个脆弱的解决方案,几 乎没有数据一致性、类型安全和XML验证的保证。与其他工具不同的.
摘要:Robert van Engelen GENIVIA INC May 12, 2013 [This document is also available in PDF format (black and white only)] Contents 1 soap 简介1.1 入门指南1.2 快速入门:开发Web服务客户端应用程序1.3 快速入门:开发Web服务1.4 快速入门:XML数据绑定1.51.5 功能概述2 符号约定3 GSOAP2.5版本(或更早)和2.4之间的差异4 GSOAP2.1版本(或更早)和2.2之间的差异5 GSOAP2.X 和 GSOAP2.x之间的差异6 互通性7 快速
摘要:这到面试题已经碰到过N次,碰到第一次之后就开始机械的背诵答案。今天用编程方法解决。如果大家有什么独特解决问题的方法 欢迎一起学习和探讨某一密码仅使用K、L、M、N、O共5个字母,密码中的单词从左向右排列,密码单词必须遵循如下规则: (1) 密码单词的最小长度是两个字母,可以相同,也可以不同 (2) K不可能是单词的第一个字母 (3) 如果L出现,则出现次数不止一次 (4) M不能使最后一个也不能是倒数第二个字母 (5) K出现,则N就一定出现 (6) O...