gSOAP 2.8.15 用户指南(目录)

Robert van Engelen

May 12, 2013
[This document is also available in PDF format (black and white only)]


soap 简介
    1.1  入门指南
    1.2  快速入门:开发Web服务客户端应用程序
    1.3  快速入门:开发Web服务
    1.4  快速入门:XML数据绑定1.5
    1.5  功能概述
GSOAP2.X 和 GSOAP2.x之间的差异
    7.1  如何创建 SOAP/XML 客户端
        7.1.1  例子
        7.1.2  XML Namespace 注意事项
        7.1.3  例子
        7.1.4  如何生成C + +客户端代理类(Proxy Classes)
        7.1.5  XSD类型编码(Type Encoding )注意事项
        7.1.6  例子
        7.1.7  如何更改响应元素(Response Element)名称
        7.1.8  例子
        7.1.9  如何指定多个输出参数
        7.1.10  例子
        7.1.11  如何指定输出参数为 struct/class 复合数据类型
        7.1.12  例子
        7.1.13  如何指定匿名参数名称
        7.1.14  如何指定没有输入参数的方法
        7.1.15  如何指定没有输出参数方法
    7.2  如何构建 SOAP/ XML Web服务
        7.2.1  例子
        7.2.2  使用 MSVC++ 创建(Builds)
        7.2.3  如何创建一个独立的服务器(Stand-Alone Server)
        7.2.4  如何创建一个多线程( Multi-Threaded )独立的服务器(Stand-Alone Service)
        7.2.5  如何访问应用程序的数据服务方法
        7.2.6  Web Service 实施方面(Implementation Aspects)
        7.2.7  如何生成C + +服务器对象类
        7.2.8  如何串连C + +服务器类在同一端口上接收消息
        7.2.9  如何生成WSDL服务的描述
        7.2.10  例子
        7.2.11  如何让客户端使用服务上的功能
    7.3  异步单向(Asynchronous One-Way)消息传递
    7.4  通过HTTP实现的同步单向(Synchronous One-Way)消息传递
    7.5  如何使用 SOAP XML数据绑定序列化和反序列化来保存和加载应用程序的数据
        7.5.1  使用wsdl2h 创建XSD(XML Schema)与C + +映射
        7.5.2  使用soapcpp2创建C/C++ 与 XSD(XML Schema)映射
        7.5.4  从XML反序列换 C/C++ 数据
        7.5.5  例子
        7.5.6  序列化和反序列化类的实例流
        7.5.7  如何给省略的数据指定默认值
wsdl2h WSDL和XML Schema import 元素
    8.1  wsdl2h工具选项
    8.2  使用typemap.dat文件定制数据绑定
    9.1  soapcpp2 工具选项
    9.2  SOAP1.1与SOAP1.2和动态切换
    9.3  soapdefs.h 头文件
    9.4  如何使用#module模块指令创建模块和类库
    9.5  如何使用#import指令
    9.6  如何使用#include和#define 指令
    9.7  使用soapcpp2工具编译一个SOAP/ XML的客户端应用程序
    9.8  使用soapcpp2工具编译 SOAP/XML Web Service
    9.9  ANSI C编译Web服务和客户端
    9.10  GSOAP的限制
    9.11  类库构建标志
    9.12  运行时(Run Time) 标示
    9.13  内存管理
        9.13.1  内存分配和管理策略
        9.13.2  内部类(Intra-Class)内存管理
    9.14  调试
    9.15  生成服务器和客户端自动测试
    9.16  所需的类库
10  GSOAP服务操作规范格式
    10.1  参数传递服务的操作
    10.2  错误码
    10.3  C/C++ 标示符 与 XML标签名之间的映射
    10.4  命名空间映射表
11  GSOAP序列化和反序列化规则
    11.1  SOAP RPC编码对战 Document/Literal和xsi:type 信息
    11.2  原始类型编码
    11.3  为XSD类型表示原始的C/C++类型
        11.3.1  一个单独的XSDl类型如何表示多个 C/C++ 类型
        11.3.2  如何使用C++ Wrapper 类来指导多态类型
        11.3.3  XSD Schema 编码规则
        11.3.4  Multi-Reference Strings
        11.3.5  "Smart String" 混合内容解码
        11.3.6  C++ Strings
        11.3.7  更改float和double类型编码精度
        11.3.8  floatdouble
类型的值INF, -INF和NaN
    11.4  枚举的序列化
        11.4.1  枚举常量序列
        11.4.2  枚举常量的编码
        11.4.3  初始化枚举常量
        11.4.4  重利用枚举常量
        11.4.5  C枚举内bool类型的序列化
        11.4.6  Bitmask 枚举序列化
    11.5  结构类型序列化
    11.6  类的实例序列化
        11.6.1  例子
        11.6.2  初始化 静态常量(static const) 字段
        11.6.3  初始化类的方法
        11.6.4  Getter 和 Setter 方法
        11.6.5  Streaming XML with Getter and Setter Methods
        11.6.6  Polymorphism, Derived Classes, and Dynamic Binding
        11.6.7  XML Attributes
        11.6.8  QName Attributes and Elements
    11.7  Union Serialization
    11.8  Serializing Pointer Types
        11.8.1  Multi-Referenced Data
        11.8.2  NULL Pointers and Nil Elements
    11.9  Void Pointers
    11.10  Fixed-Size Arrays
    11.11  Dynamic Arrays
        11.11.1  SOAP Array Bounds Limits
        11.11.2  One-Dimensional Dynamic SOAP Arrays
        11.11.3  Example
        11.11.4  One-Dimensional Dynamic SOAP Arrays With Non-Zero Offset
        11.11.5  Nested One-Dimensional Dynamic SOAP Arrays
        11.11.6  Multi-Dimensional Dynamic SOAP Arrays
        11.11.7  Encoding XML Generics Containing Dynamic Arrays
        11.11.8  STL Containers
        11.11.9  Polymorphic Dynamic Arrays and Lists
        11.11.10  How to Change the Tag Names of the Elements of a SOAP Array or List
    11.12  Base64Binary XML Schema Type Encoding
    11.13  hexBinary XML Schema Type Encoding
    11.14  Literal XML Encoding Style
        11.14.1  Serializing and Deserializing Mixed Content XML With Strings
12  SOAP Fault Processing
13  SOAP Header Processing
14  MIME Attachments
    14.1  Sending a Collection of MIME Attachments (SwA)
    14.2  Retrieving a Collection of MIME Attachments (SwA)
15  DIME Attachments
    15.1  Sending a Collection of DIME Attachments
    15.2  Retrieving a Collection of DIME Attachments
    15.3  Serializing Binary Data in DIME
    15.4  Streaming DIME
    15.5  Streaming Chunked DIME
    15.6  WSDL Bindings for DIME Attachments
16  MTOM Attachments
    16.1  Generating MultipartRelated MIME Attachment Bindings in WSDL
    16.2  Sending and Receiving MTOM Attachments
    16.3  Streaming MTOM/MIME
    16.4  Redirecting Inbound MTOM/MIME Streams Based on SOAP Body Content
    16.5  Streaming Chunked MTOM/MIME
17  XML Validation
    17.1  Occurrence Constraints
        17.1.1  Default Values
        17.1.2  Elements with minOccurs and maxOccurs Restrictions
        17.1.3  Required and Prohibited Attributes
    17.2  Value Constraints
        17.2.1  Data Length Restrictions
        17.2.2  Value Range Restrictions
        17.2.3  Pattern Restrictions
    17.3  Element and Attribute Qualified/Unqualified Forms
    18.1  Using WS-Addressing with SOAP-over-UDP
    18.2  Client-side One-way Unicast
    18.3  Client-side One-way Multicast
    18.4  Client-side Request-Response Unicast
    18.5  Client-side Request-Response Multicast
    18.6  SOAP-over-UDP Server
    18.7  SOAP-over-UDP Multicast Receiving Server
19  Advanced Features
    19.1  Internationalization
    19.2  Customizing the WSDL and Namespace Mapping Table File Contents With gSOAP Directives
        19.2.1  Example
    19.3  Transient Data Types
    19.4  Serialization "as is" with Volatile Data Types
    19.5  How to Declare User-Defined Serializers and Deserializers
    19.6  How to Serialize Data Without Generating XSD Type Attributes
    19.7  Function Callbacks for Customized I/O and HTTP Handling
    19.8  HTTP 1.0 and 1.1
    19.9  HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect Support
    19.10  HTTP GET Support
    19.11  TCP and HTTP Keep-Alive
    19.12  HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoding
    19.13  HTTP Buffered Sends
    19.14  HTTP Authentication
    19.15  HTTP NTLM Authentication
    19.16  HTTP Proxy NTLM Authentication
    19.17  HTTP Proxy Basic Authentication
    19.18  Speed Improvement Tips
    19.19  Timeout Management for Non-Blocking Operations
    19.20  Socket Options and Flags
    19.21  Secure SOAP Web Services with HTTPS/SSL
    19.22  Secure SOAP Clients with HTTPS/SSL
    19.23  SSL Authentication Callback
    19.24  SSL Certificates and Key Files
    19.25  SSL Hardware Acceleration
    19.26  SSL on Windows
    19.27  Zlib Compression
    19.28  Client-Side Cookie Support
    19.29  Server-Side Cookie Support
    19.30  Connecting Clients Through Proxy Servers
    19.31  FastCGI Support
    19.32  How to Create gSOAP Applications With a Small Memory Footprint
    19.33  How to Eliminate BSD Socket Library Linkage
    19.34  How to Combine Multiple Client and Server Implementations into one Executable
    19.35  How to Build a Client or Server in a C++ Code Namespace
    19.36  How to Create Client/Server Libraries
        19.36.1  C++ Clients Example
        19.36.2  C Clients Example
        19.36.3  C Services Chaining Example
    19.37  How to Create DLLs
        19.37.1  Create the Base stdsoap2.dll
        19.37.2  Creating Client and Server DLLs
    19.38  gSOAP Plug-ins
        19.38.1  The Message Logging and Statistics Plug-in
        19.38.2  RESTful Interface: The HTTP GET Plug-in
        19.38.3  RESTful Interface: The HTTP POST Plug-in
        19.38.4  The HTTP MD5 Checksum Plug-in
        19.38.5  The HTTP Digest Authentication Plug-in
        19.38.6  The WS-Addressing Plug-in
        19.38.7  The WS-ReliableMessaging Plug-in
        19.38.8  The WS-Security Plug-in
        19.38.9  WS-Discovery

Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Robert A. van Engelen, GENIVIA INC, All Rights Reserved.

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