

聚集索引和非聚集索引以及查询数据的过程 finding rows in a clustered index

不论是 聚集索引,还是非聚集索引,都是用B+树来实现的。我们在了解这两种索引之前,需要先了解B+树。如果你对B树不了解的话,建议参看以下几篇文章:

B+ 树的结构图:


B+ 树的特点:

B+ 树中增加一个数据,或者删除一个数据,需要分多种情况处理,比较复杂,这里就不详述这个内容了。 


聚集索引(Clustered Index)



select * from table where firstName = 'Ota'






非聚集索引 (Unclustered Index)  

  • 非聚集索引的页,不是数据,而是指向数据页的页。
  • 若未指定索引类型,则默认为非聚集索引
  • 叶节点页的次序和表的物理存储次序不同
  • 每个表最多可以有249个非聚集索引
  • 在非聚集索引创建之前创建聚集索引(否则会引发索引重建)


select * from employee where lname = 'Green'





什么是 Bookmark Lookup

虽然SQL 2005 中已经不在提  Bookmark Lookup 了(换汤不换药),但是我们的很多搜索都是用的这样的搜索过程,如下:


http://www.sqlskills.com/ 提供的一个例子中,就给我们演示了 Bookmark Lookup  比 Table Scan 慢的情况,例子的脚本如下:

USE CREDITgo-- These samples use the Credit database. You can download and restore the-- credit database from here:-- http://www.sqlskills.com/resources/conferences/CreditBackup80.zip-- NOTE: This is a SQL Server 2000 backup and MANY examples will work on -- SQL Server 2000 in addition to SQL Server 2005.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Create two tables which are copies of charge:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the HEAPSELECT * INTO ChargeHeap FROM Chargego-- Create the CL TableSELECT * INTO ChargeCL FROM ChargegoCREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ChargeCL_CLInd ON ChargeCL (member_no, charge_no)go--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2) Add the same non-clustered indexes to BOTH of these tables:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the NC index on the HEAPCREATE INDEX ChargeHeap_NCInd ON ChargeHeap (Charge_no)go-- Create the NC index on the CL TableCREATE INDEX ChargeCL_NCInd ON ChargeCL (Charge_no)go--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) Begin to query these tables and see what kind of access and I/O returns--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get ready for a bit of analysis:SET STATISTICS IO ON-- Turn Graphical Showplan ON (Ctrl+K)-- First, a point query (also, see how a bookmark lookup looks in 2005)SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no = 12345goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no = 12345go-- What if our query is less selective?-- 1000 is .0625% of our data... (1,600,000 million rows)SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 1000goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 1000go-- What if our query is less selective?-- 16000 is 1% of our data... (1,600,000 million rows)SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 16000goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 16000go--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) What's the EXACT percentage where the bookmark lookup isn't worth it?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What happens here: Table Scan or Bookmark lookup?SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 4000goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 4000go-- What happens here: Table Scan or Bookmark lookup?SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 3000goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 3000go-- And - you can narrow it down by trying the middle ground:-- What happens here: Table Scan or Bookmark lookup?SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 3500goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 3500go-- And again:SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 3250goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 3250go-- And again:SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 3375goSELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 3375go-- Don't worry, I won't make you go through it all :)-- For the Heap Table (in THIS case), the cutoff is: 0.21%SELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 3383goSELECT * FROM ChargeHeap WHERE Charge_no < 3384go-- For the Clustered Table (in THIS case), the cut-off is: 0.21%SELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 3438SELECT * FROM ChargeCL WHERE Charge_no < 3439go







posted on 2010-06-04 11:52  Arlen  阅读(1122)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
