开始用实例说明;1.只有一个参数的情况下:?var student = new Object();student.name = "Lanny";student.age = "25";student.location = "China";var json = JSON.stringify(student);alert(student); 结果如下:有些人可能会怀疑JSON.stringify的作用,OK。那假如,我们不要这个函数。代码下面的样子:?var student = new Object();student.name = &qu Read More
posted @ 2013-03-25 10:51 AriLee Views(357) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
Add GraphicalLayer: 1 GraphicalLayer oGpl = null; 2 GraphicalLayerTable layerTable = oPage.Project.LayerTable; 3 4 if (oGpl == null) 5 { 6 oGpl = new GraphicalLayer(); 7 MultiLangString description = new MultiLangString(); 8 description.AddString(ISOCode.Language.L___, "Graphic.Gen... Read More
posted @ 2013-03-24 15:12 AriLee Views(822) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
How to get PropertyValue? 1 MultiLangString strValue = (MultiLangString)object.GetPropertyValue(object.Properties[j].Id); 2 string strDesignation = object.Properties[j].Designation; 3 string sPropertyFullName = strDesignation + ":" + _pCERICommon.GetMulValue(strValue); 4 5 ... Read More
posted @ 2013-01-21 16:24 AriLee Views(1459) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
New Page:View Code 1 public Page newPage(Project oProject, string strPageName)2 {3 return new Page(oProject, DocumentTypeManager.DocumentType.TitlePage,4 new PagePropertyList { 5 DESIGNATION_LOCATION = this.Location, 6 DESIGNATION_PLANT = this.Plant, 7 ... Read More
posted @ 2013-01-07 15:15 AriLee Views(1502) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
How to get PartProperty via partNo? public ArrayList BDGetProPartProperty(Project oProject, string PartNO) { ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList(); DMObjectsFinder oFinder = new DMObjectsFinder(oProject); FunctionsFilter oFunctionsFilter = new FunctionsFi... Read More
posted @ 2012-12-30 22:04 AriLee Views(1058) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
1 private Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Function getSymbolFunction(Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Page oSelectedPage, Project oSelectedProject, Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Function oFunction) 2 { 3 try 4 { 5 Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Function oFunc = 6 ... Read More
posted @ 2012-12-30 21:50 AriLee Views(1147) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
How to get all connections which are not in location box?for example:ArrayList ConnArrList = new ArrayList;SelectionSet set = new SelectionSet();Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Project currentProject = set.GetCurrentProject(false);Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Page[] selectedPages = set.GetSelectedPages();foreach ( Read More
posted @ 2012-12-30 21:41 AriLee Views(1339) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
1、Project::HierarchyEplan::EplApi::DataModel::Project::Hierarchy EnumerationHierarchy level of the device structureC#public enum Hierarchy { Functional, Plant, Place, Location, Installation, Document, UserDef}End EnumMembers Description Functional Functional assignment (==) ... Read More
posted @ 2012-12-30 13:34 AriLee Views(5082) Comments(1) Diggs(0) Edit
最近两个月,断断续续完成了一个PPE报表的开发,和各位分享一下:PPE API的开发主要涉及到Hookup、PctLoop、PctFunction、Specification、PctElement、Plant等对象。PPE Data:PpeData data = new PpeData(oProject);PctLoop:PctLoopFilter oPF = new PctLoopFilter(data);PctLoop[] oLoop = data.GetPctLoops(oPF);Hookup:Hookup[] oHookups = data.Hookups;pctElements:Pc Read More
posted @ 2012-12-09 18:35 AriLee Views(1992) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit
http://wcf.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=WCF%20Web%20API%20is%20now%20ASP.NET%20Web%20API Read More
posted @ 2012-09-25 10:20 AriLee Views(573) Comments(0) Diggs(0) Edit