如何让easyui combox默认选中多项

开始时,我以为用'selected': true ,就可以了,最后给想要选中的项加上去后,发现还是只能选中第一项,最后查看官方文档

options none Return the options object.
getData none Return the loaded data.
loadData data Load the locale list data.
reload url Request the remote list data. Pass the 'url' parameter to override the original URL value.

Code example:

$('#cc').combobox('reload');  // reload list data using old URL
$('#cc').combobox('reload','get_data.php');  // reload list data using new URL
setValues values Set the combobox value array.

Code example:

$('#cc').combobox('setValues', ['001','002']);
setValue value Set the combobox value.

Code example:

$('#cc').combobox('setValue', '001');
clear none Clear the combobox value.
select value Select the specified item.
unselect value Unselect the specified item.


posted @ 2013-01-21 10:47  Archosaur  Views(10234)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报