在分数(部分)背包问题(fractional knapsack problem)中,场景与上面问题一样,但是窃贼可以带走物品的一部分,而不必做出0-1的二分选择。可以把0-1背包问题的一件物品想象成一个金锭,而部分问题中的一件物品则更像金沙。
Knapsack Problem
The knapsack problem or rucksack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.
It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsack and must fill it with the most valuable items.
Example of a one-dimensional (constraint) knapsack problem: which boxes should be chosen to maximize the amount of money while still keeping the overall weight under or equal to 15 kg?
// Solve 0/1 knapsack problem // Dynamic Programming approach. solveZeroOneKnapsackProblem() { // We do two sorts because in case of equal weights but different values // we need to take the most valuable items first. this.sortPossibleItemsByValue(); this.sortPossibleItemsByWeight(); this.selectedItems = []; // Create knapsack values matrix. const numberOfRows = this.possibleItems.length; const numberOfColumns = this.weightLimit; const knapsackMatrix = Array(numberOfRows).fill(null).map(() => { return Array(numberOfColumns + 1).fill(null); }); // 初始化矩阵第一列 for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < this.possibleItems.length; itemIndex += 1) { knapsackMatrix[itemIndex][0] = 0; } //初始化矩阵第一行 for (let weightIndex = 1; weightIndex <= this.weightLimit; weightIndex += 1) { const itemIndex = 0; const itemWeight = this.possibleItems[itemIndex].weight; const itemValue = this.possibleItems[itemIndex].value; knapsackMatrix[itemIndex][weightIndex] = itemWeight <= weightIndex ? itemValue : 0; } // Go through combinations of how we may add items to knapsack and // define what weight/value we would receive using Dynamic Programming // approach. for (let itemIndex = 1; itemIndex < this.possibleItems.length; itemIndex += 1) { for (let weightIndex = 1; weightIndex <= this.weightLimit; weightIndex += 1) { const currentItemWeight = this.possibleItems[itemIndex].weight; const currentItemValue = this.possibleItems[itemIndex].value; if (currentItemWeight > weightIndex) { knapsackMatrix[itemIndex][weightIndex] = knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 1][weightIndex]; } else { // 考虑是否选择当前物品的重量与价值 knapsackMatrix[itemIndex][weightIndex] = Math.max( currentItemValue + knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 1][weightIndex - currentItemWeight], knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 1][weightIndex], ); } } } //对二维矩阵进行回溯,以确定相应的项------回溯这里的代码看不大懂 let itemIndex = this.possibleItems.length - 1; let weightIndex = this.weightLimit; while (itemIndex > 0) { const currentItem = this.possibleItems[itemIndex]; const prevItem = this.possibleItems[itemIndex - 1]; // Check if matrix value came from top (from previous item). // In this case this would mean that we need to include previous item // to the list of selected items. if ( knapsackMatrix[itemIndex][weightIndex] && knapsackMatrix[itemIndex][weightIndex] === knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 1][weightIndex] ) { // Check if there are several items with the same weight but with the different values. // We need to add highest item in the matrix that is possible to get the highest value. const prevSumValue = knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 1][weightIndex]; const prevPrevSumValue = knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 2][weightIndex]; if ( !prevSumValue || (prevSumValue && prevPrevSumValue !== prevSumValue) ) { this.selectedItems.push(prevItem); } } else if (knapsackMatrix[itemIndex - 1][weightIndex - currentItem.weight]) { this.selectedItems.push(prevItem); weightIndex -= currentItem.weight; } itemIndex -= 1; } }