
队列基本操作有两种: 向队列的后端位置添加实体,称为入队,并从队列的前端位置移除实体,称为出队。跟超市排队差不多吧,前面的结算好,就出队,后面刚刚来的入队。

队列中元素先进先出 FIFO (first in, first out)的示意












import LinkedList from '../linked-list/LinkedList';

export default class Queue {//队列类,队列其实就是一端添加,一端删除的链表
  constructor() {
    // We're going to implement Queue based on LinkedList since the two
    // structures are quite similar. Namely, they both operate mostly on
    // the elements at the beginning and the end. Compare enqueue/dequeue
    // operations of Queue with append/deleteHead operations of LinkedList.
    this.linkedList = new LinkedList();//linkedList属性是一个链表对象

   * @return {boolean}
  isEmpty() {//返回真假值,队列是否是空的
    return !this.linkedList.head;

   * Read the element at the front of the queue without removing it.
   * @return {*}
  peek() {//读取队列的头节点
    if (!this.linkedList.head) {
      return null;

    return this.linkedList.head.value;

   * Add a new element to the end of the queue (the tail of the linked list).
   * This element will be processed after all elements ahead of it.
   * @param {*} value
  enqueue(value) {//入队,在队列的结尾加入新值

   * Remove the element at the front of the queue (the head of the linked list).
   * If the queue is empty, return null.
   * @return {*}
  dequeue() {//出队,在队列的开头删除值,返回出队的值
    const removedHead = this.linkedList.deleteHead();
    return removedHead ? removedHead.value : null;

   * @param [callback]
   * @return {string}
  toString(callback) {//返回队列的字符串值的数组的字符串
    // Return string representation of the queue's linked list.
    return this.linkedList.toString(callback);




it('should create empty queue', () => {
    const queue = new Queue();

Received: {"linkedList": {"compare": {"compare": [Function defaultCompareFunction]}, "head": null, "tail": null}}

import LinkedList from '../linked-list/LinkedList';
export default class Queue {//队列类,队列其实就是一端添加,一端删除的链表  constructor() {    // We're going to implement Queue based on LinkedList since the two    // structures are quite similar. Namely, they both operate mostly on    // the elements at the beginning and the end. Compare enqueue/dequeue    // operations of Queue with append/deleteHead operations of LinkedList.    this.linkedList = new LinkedList();//linkedList属性是一个链表对象  }
  /**   * @return {boolean}   */  isEmpty() {//返回真假值,队列是否是空的    return !this.linkedList.head;  }
  /**   * Read the element at the front of the queue without removing it.   * @return {*}   */  peek() {//读取队列的头节点    if (!this.linkedList.head) {      return null;    }
    return this.linkedList.head.value;  }
  /**   * Add a new element to the end of the queue (the tail of the linked list).   * This element will be processed after all elements ahead of it.   * @param {*} value   */  enqueue(value) {//入队,在队列的结尾加入新值    this.linkedList.append(value);  }
  /**   * Remove the element at the front of the queue (the head of the linked list).   * If the queue is empty, return null.   * @return {*}   */  dequeue() {//出队,在队列的开头删除值,返回出队的值    const removedHead = this.linkedList.deleteHead();    return removedHead ? removedHead.value : null;  }
  /**   * @param [callback]   * @return {string}   */  toString(callback) {//返回队列的字符串值的数组的字符串    // Return string representation of the queue's linked list.    return this.linkedList.toString(callback);  }}

posted @ 2019-01-07 15:45  Archer-Fang  阅读(140)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报