export default class LinkedListNode { constructor(value, next = null) { this.value = value; this.next = next; } toString(callback) { return callback ? callback(this.value) : `${this.value}`; } }
toString(callback) { return callback ? callback(this.value) : `${this.value}`; }
const nodeValue = { value: 1, key: 'test' }; const node = new LinkedListNode(nodeValue); const toStringCallback = value => `value: ${value.value}, key: ${value.key}`; expect(node.toString(toStringCallback)).toBe('value: 1, key: test');
expect(node.toString()).toBe('value: 1, key: test');
Expected: "value: 1, key: test"
Received: "[object Object]"
toString(callback) { return callback ? callback(this.value) : `${this.value}`; }
import LinkedListNode from './LinkedListNode'; import Comparator from '../../utils/comparator/Comparator'; export default class LinkedList {//链表类 /** * @param {Function} [comparatorFunction] */ constructor(comparatorFunction) {//构造函数 /** @var LinkedListNode */ this.head = null;//头节点指针 /** @var LinkedListNode */ this.tail = null;//尾节点指针 this.compare = new Comparator(comparatorFunction);//新实例化一个比较器对象存成compare属性 } /** * @param {*} value * @return {LinkedList} */ prepend(value) {//在链表最前面添加一个新的节点作为头节点,头插法 // Make new node to be a head. const newNode = new LinkedListNode(value, this.head);//添加新节点在头节点之前 this.head = newNode;//头指针指向新增节点 // If there is no tail yet let's make new node a tail. if (!this.tail) {//如果没有尾节点,尾指针也指向新节点 this.tail = newNode; } return this;//返回链表对象 } /** * @param {*} value * @return {LinkedList} */ append(value) {//在链表最后面添加一个新节点作为尾节点,尾插法 const newNode = new LinkedListNode(value);//根据value创建一个新节点 // If there is no head yet let's make new node a head. if (!this.head) {//如果还没有头节点,头指针和尾指针都指向当前新节点 this.head = newNode; this.tail = newNode; return this; } // Attach new node to the end of linked list. this.tail.next = newNode;//将旧的尾节点和新尾节点连接起来 this.tail = newNode;//尾指针指向新节点 return this; } /** * @param {*} value * @return {LinkedListNode} */ delete(value) {//删除值对应的节点 if (!this.head) {//如果链表没有节点,返回null return null; } let deletedNode = null;//要删除的节点 // If the head must be deleted then make next node that is differ // from the head to be a new head. //如果头节点必须被删除,就要确保下一个节点和头节点是不一样的新节点 while (this.head && this.compare.equal(this.head.value, value)) { //循环条件:头指针存在且头节点的值和要删除的值相等 deletedNode = this.head;//要被删除的头节点赋值给deletedNode this.head = this.head.next;//头指针指向头节点的下一个节点 } let currentNode = this.head;//当前头节点 if (currentNode !== null) { // If next node must be deleted then make next node to be a next next one. //如果下一个节点必须被删除,就让下一个节点变成下下个节点 while (currentNode.next) { if (this.compare.equal(currentNode.next.value, value)) { deletedNode = currentNode.next;//要被删除的几点赋值给deletedNode currentNode.next = currentNode.next.next;//下下个节点赋值给下个节点 } else {//如果下个节点不删除,就继续往下遍历 currentNode = currentNode.next; } } } // Check if tail must be deleted. //如果尾节点要被删除就重新赋值尾指针 if (this.compare.equal(this.tail.value, value)) { this.tail = currentNode; } return deletedNode;//返回最后一个被删除的节点 } /** * @param {Object} findParams * @param {*} findParams.value * @param {function} [findParams.callback] * @return {LinkedListNode} */ //查找指定值对应节点 find({ value = undefined, callback = undefined }) { if (!this.head) {//如果链表没有节点,返回null return null; } let currentNode = this.head;//currentNode存头节点 while (currentNode) { // If callback is specified then try to find node by callback. //如果指定了回调函数,就用回调函数来查找节点 if (callback && callback(currentNode.value)) { return currentNode; } // If value is specified then try to compare by value.. //如果指定了value就比较value是否相等来查找节点 if (value !== undefined && this.compare.equal(currentNode.value, value)) { return currentNode; } currentNode = currentNode.next;//继续循环比较下一个节点 } return null;//找不到返回null } /** * @return {LinkedListNode} */ deleteTail() {//删除尾节点 const deletedTail = this.tail;//存下尾节点 if (this.head === this.tail) {//如果链表只有一个节点,头尾指针都置空然后返回被删除的尾节点 // There is only one node in linked list. this.head = null; this.tail = null; return deletedTail; } // If there are many nodes in linked list... // Rewind to the last node and delete "next" link for the node before the last one. //如果链表有许多节点,就从头开始遍历,找到尾节点的前一个节点,将它的next指针置空即可 let currentNode = this.head; while (currentNode.next) { if (!currentNode.next.next) { currentNode.next = null; } else { currentNode = currentNode.next; } } this.tail = currentNode;//设置尾指针 return deletedTail;//返回被删除的尾节点 } /** * @return {LinkedListNode} */ //删除头节点 deleteHead() { if (!this.head) {//如果链表没有节点,返回null return null; } const deletedHead = this.head; if (this.head.next) {//如果链表节点超过一个,就将头指针移动到下一个 this.head = this.head.next; } else {//如果链表只有一个节点,就把头尾指针都置空 this.head = null; this.tail = null; } return deletedHead;//返回被删除的头节点 } /** * @param {*[]} values - Array of values that need to be converted to linked list. * @return {LinkedList} */ //将一个数组内的每个元素作为新节点插入链表结尾 fromArray(values) { values.forEach(value => this.append(value)); return this;//返回链表对象 } /** * @return {LinkedListNode[]} */ toArray() {//将链表所有节点的值转换成一个数组 const nodes = []; let currentNode = this.head; while (currentNode) {//遍历链表,将节点的值push到结果数组 nodes.push(currentNode); currentNode = currentNode.next; } return nodes; } /** * @param {function} [callback] * @return {string} */ toString(callback) {//返回将链表所有节点的值调用节点自身的toString方法经由callback处理后的值变成字符串组成的数组 return this.toArray().map(node => node.toString(callback)).toString(); } /** * Reverse a linked list. * @returns {LinkedList} */ //将链表顺序反转 reverse() { let currNode = this.head; let prevNode = null; let nextNode = null; while (currNode) { // Store next node. nextNode = currNode.next;//存下下一个节点 // Change next node of the current node so it would link to previous node. currNode.next = prevNode;//当前节点的下一个节点赋值为上一个节点 // Move prevNode and currNode nodes one step forward. prevNode = currNode;//上一个节点赋值为当前节点 currNode = nextNode;//当前节点赋值为下一个节点 } // Reset head and tail. //反转顺序处理完后重置头尾指针 this.tail = this.head; this.head = prevNode; return this; } }
export default class Comparator {//比较器类,用于实例化一个对象,上面有各种用于比较的工具方法 /** * @param {function(a: *, b: *)} [compareFunction] */ constructor(compareFunction) {//构造函数可以传入自定义的比较方法 this.compare = compareFunction || Comparator.defaultCompareFunction; //对象上的compare属性是自定义比较方法或者默认的比较方法 } /** * @param {(string|number)} a * @param {(string|number)} b * @returns {number} */ static defaultCompareFunction(a, b) {//默认比较方法,相等返回0,小于返回-1,大于返回1 if (a === b) { return 0; } return a < b ? -1 : 1; } equal(a, b) {//判断两个值是否相等 return this.compare(a, b) === 0; } lessThan(a, b) {//判断是否a<b return this.compare(a, b) < 0; } greaterThan(a, b) {//判断是否a>b return this.compare(a, b) > 0; } lessThanOrEqual(a, b) {//判断a<=b return this.lessThan(a, b) || this.equal(a, b); } greaterThanOrEqual(a, b) {//判断a>=b return this.greaterThan(a, b) || this.equal(a, b); } reverse() {//a和b调换位置比较 const compareOriginal = this.compare; this.compare = (a, b) => compareOriginal(b, a); } }
const nodeValue = { value: 1, key: 'test' };
const node = new LinkedListNode(nodeValue);
const toStringCallback = value => `value: ${value.value}, key: ${value.key}`;
expect(node.toString(toStringCallback)).toBe('value: 1, key: test');