
For a comprehensive guide for developers, go the main documentation site:




1) Install JAVA SDK

Download and install the Java SDK.

首先要安装Java SDK,这点谁都知道,你不知道?百度一下,你就知道了。

Create an environment variable called JAVA_HOME and point it to your Java SDK directory.

Then modify the PATH variable and add: ;%JAVA_HOME%/bin

Apply the changes.


2) Download Subversion

Windows: http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/29065/svn-1.3.0-setup.exe

Linux: http://subversion.tigris.org/project_packages.html

Install subversion.


3) Checkout the Source Code

Using SVN Checkout, get the source code:

svn checkout https://svn.codehaus.org/geoserver/trunk


4) Download and install Maven

Windows: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0.4.exe

Linux: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/maven/binaries/maven-2.0.4.zip

If you are using Linux, execute the following commands:

export M2_HOME=/usr/java/maven-2.0.4

export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin

下载和安装Maven工具,并且添上这两个环境变量,一会儿要在Eclipse中用。安装完成后,cmd,运行mvn –version查看Maven的版本号,如果没成功?重装吧,不定哪儿出错了。

5) Build Source Code

Go to the command line and navigate to the root of the source tree that you just downloaded.

Execute the command:

mvn install

If it fails, just try again. It trys to download jars and some might not be available at that time. So just keep trying.

现在要进入正式环节了,把你下载的源码(还没下,你别看了,把这篇文章关了吧)解压到你想要的位置,然后cmd,cd到你解压的位置,执行mvn install命令。没成功?多试几次吧,不会一次就成功的。停了?别傻等着了,Ctrl+C结束它,然后重新mvn install。最后看到BUILD SUCCESSFUL,恭喜你,修成正果了。

很少能够修成正果的,你可以尝试换种方法,就是一个一个模块的mvn install,比如main、wcs等等。或者可以换成mvn compile,不执行mvn test生命周期。(没有成功貌似也没有什么影响,可以执行下一步,别拍我……)你有更好的方法?请与我联系。

If it succeeds, run the next command:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

如果成功了-_-!!!,执行mvn eclipse:eclipse这个命令。(好像没成功也可以)

6) Set up Eclipse

Windows: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.1.2-200601181600/eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-win32.zip

Linux GTK: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.1.2-200601181600/eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz

Linux Motif: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.1.2-200601181600/eclipse-SDK-3.1.2-linux-motif.tar.gz

Install Eclipse.


Start up Eclipse.

Got to: Windows -> Preferences

In the wondow that pops up click on Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables

On the Classpath Variables panel, select New

Define a new variables called M2_REPO and set it to your local maven repository. (for windows it would be C:/Documents and Settings/username/.m2/repository)

打开Eclipse,执行Windows->Preferences(窗口->选项),在弹出的对话框中选择Java->Bulid Path->Classpath Variables,然后单击New按钮,新建一个M2_REPO的环境变量,指向你的Maven安装的本地仓库(一般为:C:/Documents and Settings/username/.m2/repository,username是你的用户名,你可以看看有没有)

7) Get the Code into Eclipse

Import existing projects into the workspace, use the root of your geoserver source tree.

Select all of the modules. Hit Finish.


posted @   沉默的池塘  阅读(1996)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报