/***********USER FUNCTIONS*********** 1. Lcd8_Init() - Must be called to initialise LCD. - Note what SFRs are effected and be sure not to overwrite these in yourt program initialisation. 2. Lcd8_Clear() - Call this to Clear LCD display 3. Lcd8_Set_Cursor(char a, char b) - The function sets the position of the cursor on the LCD. A = Line (1 or 2); B = Position (1 - 16). 4. Lcd8_Write_Char(char a) - Write a character to the LCD e.g. Lcd8_Write_Char('A'); 5. Lcd8_Write_String(char *a) - Write a string to the LCD e.g. Lcd8_Write_Char("Hello"); 6. Lcd8_Shift_Right() - Shift the displayed characters one place to the right. 7. Lcd8_Shift_Left() - Shift the displayed characters one place to the left. */ #include <xc.h> #ifndef _XTAL_FREQ // Unless already defined assume 4MHz system frequency // This definition is required to calibrate __delay_us() and __delay_ms() #define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000 #endif #define RS RE0 #define RW RE1 #define EN RE2 #define D0 RD0 #define D1 RD1 #define D2 RD2 #define D3 RD3 #define D4 RD4 #define D5 RD5 #define D6 RD6 #define D7 RD7 //LCD Functions Developed by electroSome //LCD 8 Bit Interfacing Functions void Lcd8_Port(char a) { if(a & 1) D0 = 1; else D0 = 0; if(a & 2) D1 = 1; else D1 = 0; if(a & 4) D2 = 1; else D2 = 0; if(a & 8) D3 = 1; else D3 = 0; if(a & 16) D4 = 1; else D4 = 0; if(a & 32) D5 = 1; else D5 = 0; if(a & 64) D6 = 1; else D6 = 0; if(a & 128) D7 = 1; else D7 = 0; } void Lcd8_Cmd(char a) { RS = 0; // => RS = 0 Lcd8_Port(a); //Data transfer EN = 1; // => E = 1 __delay_ms(5); EN = 0; // => E = 0 } //=============USER FUNCTIONS============= void Lcd8_Init() { TRISE = 0x00; TRISD = 0x00; ADCON1 = 0x07; RE1 = 0; //RW Lcd8_Port(0x00); RS = 0; __delay_ms(25); ///////////// Reset process from datasheet ///////// Lcd8_Cmd(0x30); __delay_ms(5); Lcd8_Cmd(0x30); __delay_ms(15); Lcd8_Cmd(0x30); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lcd8_Cmd(0x38); //function set Lcd8_Cmd(0x0C); //display on,cursor off,blink off Lcd8_Cmd(0x01); //clear display Lcd8_Cmd(0x06); //entry mode, set increment } Lcd8_Clear() { Lcd8_Cmd(1); } void Lcd8_Set_Cursor(char a, char b) { if(a == 1) Lcd8_Cmd(0x80 + b); else if(a == 2) Lcd8_Cmd(0xC0 + b); } void Lcd8_Write_Char(char a) { RS = 1; // => RS = 1 Lcd8_Port(a); //Data transfer EN = 1; // => E = 1 __delay_ms(4); EN = 0; // => E = 04 } void Lcd8_Write_String(char *a) { int i; for(i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) Lcd8_Write_Char(a[i]); } void Lcd8_Shift_Right() { Lcd8_Cmd(0x1C); } void Lcd8_Shift_Left() { Lcd8_Cmd(0x18); } //End LCD 8 Bit Interfacing Functions
VSS | VDD | V0 | RS | RW | E | D0-D7 | A | K |
+5V | GND |
LCD 驱动电压输入端 |
指令/数据选择信号 | 读写选择信号 | 使能信号 | 数据位 | LED+(5V) | LED-(0V) |
可以看出,这么多引脚需要控制的是RS,RW,E和D0-D7,VSS,其他的引脚 A接5v,VDD,K接地,V0串联给电位器再接上5v
根据LCD1602的数据手册,写指令需要先设置数据到引脚,然后设置RS=0,RW=1,E=1 -> E=0,写数据需要先设置数据到引脚,然后设置RS=0,RW=1,E=1 -> E=0
void Lcd8_Cmd(char a) { RS = 0; // => RS = 0 Lcd8_Port(a); //Data transfer EN = 1; // => E = 1 __delay_ms(5); EN = 0; // => E = 0 }
void Lcd8_Port(char a) { if(a & 1) D0 = 1; else D0 = 0; if(a & 2) D1 = 1; else D1 = 0; if(a & 4) D2 = 1; else D2 = 0; if(a & 8) D3 = 1; else D3 = 0; if(a & 16) D4 = 1; else D4 = 0; if(a & 32) D5 = 1; else D5 = 0; if(a & 64) D6 = 1; else D6 = 0; if(a & 128) D7 = 1; else D7 = 0; }
void Lcd8_Init() { TRISE = 0x00; TRISD = 0x00; ADCON1 = 0x07; RE1 = 0; //RW Lcd8_Port(0x00); RS = 0; __delay_ms(25); ///////////// 重置 ///////// Lcd8_Cmd(0x30); __delay_ms(5); Lcd8_Cmd(0x30); __delay_ms(15); Lcd8_Cmd(0x30); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Lcd8_Cmd(0x38); //Function set (功能设置) Lcd8_Cmd(0x0C); //Display on/off control (显示开/关控制) Lcd8_Cmd(0x01); //Clear display (清显示) Lcd8_Cmd(0x06); //Entry mode set (设置输入模式) }
重置部分传输三遍0x30(0b 0011 0000)指令,内容不重要,只是相当于重置,数据手册中建议用户最好在程序的开始进行功能设置指令的执行,
然后传输0x38(0b 0011 1000)指令,设置为8位数据总线,两行显示模式,5×7点阵+游标显示模式
接着传输0x0C(0b 0000 1100)指令,设置开显示,游标不显示,不闪烁
最后传输0x06(0b 0000 0110)指令设置输入模式,完成字符传送后光标自动右移动,AC自动+1,显示不发生位移元,初始化完成。
void Lcd8_Write_Char(char a) { RS = 1; // => RS = 1 Lcd8_Port(a); //Data transfer EN = 1; // => E = 1 __delay_ms(4); EN = 0; // => E = 0 } void Lcd8_Write_String(char *a) { int i; for(i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) Lcd8_Write_Char(a[i]); }
void Lcd8_Shift_Right() { Lcd8_Cmd(0x1C); } void Lcd8_Shift_Left() { Lcd8_Cmd(0x18); }
void Lcd8_Set_Cursor(char a, char b) { if(a == 1) Lcd8_Cmd(0x80 + b); else if(a == 2) Lcd8_Cmd(0xC0 + b); }
其中AC是地址寄存器,DDRAM是显示数据寄存器,0x80即0b10000000,对应第一行的光标位置(00H),0xC0即0b11000000对应第二行光标的位置(40H 0b01000000)