2017 经典的CVPR 关于ImageCaptioning论文

1.        SCA-CNN: Spatial and Channel-wise Attention in Convolutional Networks for Image Captioning(2017 CVPR)

主要研究方向:大多数现有的基于注意力的图像字幕模型只考虑了空间特征,本文是对同一层的feature map(特征图)加入了权重考虑。




 2.        Knowing When to Look: Adaptive Attention via A Visual Sentinel for Image Captioning(2017 CVPR)

主要研究内容: 更多的关注实体词之间的连词,比如“of”等。


Most methods force visual attention to be active for every generated word. However, the decoder likely requires little to no visual information from the image to predict non-visual words such as “the” and “of”.


posted @ 2019-12-22 16:19  suwenyuan  阅读(194)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报