const { of } = require("rxjs"); const { mergeMap, map, delay, catchError } = require("rxjs/operators"); describe("subscribe & assert testing in RxJS", 阅读全文
Implement the type version of Object.entries For example interface Model { name: string; age: number; locations: string[] | null; } type modelEntries 阅读全文
Implement the generic Mutable<T> which makes all properties in T mutable (not readonly). For example interface Todo { readonly title: string readonly 阅读全文
Want to turn a module into a type? You can use typeof import('./') to grab the type of any module, even third-party ones. Here, we create a type from 阅读全文
For example we have a search input: const input$ = fromEvent(document.getElementById("#input"), "input"); input$ .pipe( debounceTime(200), pluck("targ 阅读全文
const { TestScheduler } = require("rxjs/testing"); const { map, take, delay, mapTo, catchError } = require("rxjs/operators"); const { concat, from, of 阅读全文
describe("Marble testing in Rxjs", () => { let testScheduler; beforeEach(() => { testScheduler = new TestScheduler((actual, expected) => { expect(actu 阅读全文
const { TestScheduler } = require("rxjs/testing"); const { map, take, delay, mapTo, catchError } = require("rxjs/operators"); const { concat, from, of 阅读全文
Implement a generic RequiredByKeys<T, K> which takes two type argument T and K. K specify the set of properties of T that should set to be required. W 阅读全文
Implement a generic PartialByKeys<T, K> which takes two type argument T and K. K specify the set of properties of T that should set to be optional. Wh 阅读全文