var vehicle1 = {type: "Motorboat", capacity: 6, storedAt: "Ammunition Depot"}; var vehicle2 = {type: "Jet Ski", capacity: 1, storedAt: "Reef Dock"}; v 阅读全文
// Get /appointments{ "per_page": 10, "page": 1, "total": 50, "appointments": [ { "title": "Ms. Kitty Hairball Treatment", "cankelled": false, "identi 阅读全文
The good Dr. recently had another team implement the server and they slightly messed up the format of the JSON returned for Appointment data. Instead 阅读全文
1. Ceate a route Class var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ }); 2. Add a route name it "show", listene to 'appointments/:id' var AppRouter = Backb 阅读全文
First, memory is set aside for all necessary variables and declared functions. Function expression never got hosited in Javascirpt. Therefore, you can 阅读全文
They’ve got a problem with their existing code, which tries to use a closure. Check it out: function assignLaser( shark, sharkList ){ var stationAssig 阅读全文
function buildCoveTicketMarker(transport){ var passengerNumber = 0; return function(name){ passengerNumber++; alert("Ticket via the " +transport+ "Wel 阅读全文
Returning a function from a function, complete with variables from an external scope, is called a closure. The entire contents of one of these inner f 阅读全文
It's finally time to start building out our Appointment app. We're going to be using a collection and a collection view to display a list of appointme 阅读全文
Define a collection: var AppointmentList = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: Appointment}); RESET the json: var appointments = new AppointmentList(); 阅读全文