Introduce to basic $stateProvider.state() with $stateParams services. Understand how nested router works.Key Value:ng-href="#/list/{{item.name}}".stat... 阅读全文
By default your HTTP requests with the $https service in Angular arenotcached. By setting some options, you can turn caching on./** * Created by Answe... 阅读全文
TimelineLite is a piece of the Greensock TweenMax library that provides the ability to create sequenced animation with very little code or setup.Key v... 阅读全文
/* 1. Query Operators*/db.posts.find({ viewsCount: {$get: 1000, $lte: 3000}}, {_id: 0, viewsCount: 1, title: 1})// $indb.posts.find({ categor... 阅读全文
Directives have dependencies too, and you can use dependency injection to provide services for your directives to use.Bad: If you want to use in anot... 阅读全文
MongoDB is JSON Document:How to start MongoDB client:mongod //start the servermongo // start the cliHow to restore a database:mongorestorecan create a... 阅读全文
In the previous code, both categories and bookmarks are binded to $rootscope, or let says the same scope.eggly-app.js:angular.module('Eggly', [ 'ui... 阅读全文
Browserify allows you to leverage 10s of thousands of javascript modules available in the Node Package Manager (npm) in your browser apps.Notice:// Wh... 阅读全文
Browserify is a tool that brings node.js style development to the browser.The thing you can see on the node.js cmd line can also be broung up to the b... 阅读全文
Mongoose allows you to easily select resources by ID from your MongoDB. This is an important aspect to creating an API.Server.js'use strict';var expre... 阅读全文