We are going to create a A private host zone and test this private host zone with VPC1 and VPC2... for VPC3, you can follow the VPC2 as example. Creat 阅读全文
Instance Profile contains Temporary credentials Role IP will help to rotate the temporary credentials on your behalf. in short, IP works as "Who am I" 阅读全文
You can auto assign a public IP address when you launch a new EC2 instance. But if you didn't and you want to assign one after launched, you can use E 阅读全文
There are two async exection context: Microtask Queue - ASAP (Promises, MutationObserver) Macrotask Queue - DO Later (setTimeout, setInterval, request 阅读全文
lib.js import { parse, evaluate } from "groq-js" export let groq = async ([query]) => { let tree = parse(query) return async dataset => { let result = 阅读全文
const ary = [1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3]; const unqiAry = (ary) => ary.filter((item, index) => ary.indexOf(item) index) unqiAry(ary) // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] const ary 阅读全文
S3 Usage Patterns S3 doesn't suit for following usecases: POSIX-compliant file system: should use EFS. POSIX -- refer to Linux or Unix files Structure 阅读全文
Z-index cannot be added to static position DOM element. All the DOM element by default is static position. So if you have to add z-index, you can add 阅读全文
let other = null console.log(other?.[0]) // undefined You can use optional chaining to access elements in an array. If the array is null or undefined, 阅读全文
Minimum RTO for a single region outage For the minimum RTO in a single region we will follow up the same thing. We will have a monitoring team 24/7 av 阅读全文