04 2021 档案
摘要:In this lesson, we'll go over TypeScript's unknown type. The unknown type is the type-safe counterpart of the any type. Both unknown and any are so-ca
摘要:This lesson introduces the ?? operator which is known as nullish coalescing. The ?? operator produces the value on the right-hand side if (and only if
摘要:In this lesson we're diving a bit deeper and learn how to inject services into Formly Extensions with the example of using ngx-translate to localize a
摘要:Web Identity Federation Simplifies authentication and authorization for web applications. An Authentication token JWT is exchanged for temporary AWS c
摘要:This lesson introduces the ?. operator which is known as optional chaining. We're going to look at how we can use ?. to safely descend into an object
摘要:Create an IAM User Give Admin access Create DynamoDB Table 1) Create facts table: **** (use ^ - Shift + 6 if you are a windows user, not \) **** aws d
摘要:1 Move next line ESC j 2 Move previous line ESC k 3 Delete whole line ECS dd 4 Insert ESC i 5 Save ESC :wq! ! for overwrite
摘要:What is KMS Managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data Seamlessly integrated with
摘要:1. add a new user sudo adduser <admin_user_name> 2. set new user to be admin sudo usermod -aG sudo <admin_user_name>su - <admin_user_name> 3. create n
摘要:Cloud computing models: With cloud deployment, nothing is installed on premise, but an Internet connection and network infrastructure solutions With h
摘要:Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Vitural machine in the cloud Pay as you go Integrates with storage, netowrking, and security FAST! (you don't need to setu
摘要:1. Create a Lambda function: called `get-groups` const data = [ {name: 'angular', id: 1}, {name: 'react', id: 2}, {name: 'vue', id: 3} ]; exports.hand
摘要:When you use TypeScript's --strictNullChecks flag, you can prevent the type checker from throwing an error with Angular's non-null assertion operator,
摘要:Sometimes a binding expression triggers a type error during AOT compilation and it is not possible or difficult to fully specify the type. To silence
摘要:Solution Outline To run our function we use a service called CloudWatch, which periodically generates events. Those events are sent to the Lambda func
摘要:API Gateway Provides an endpoint to your applications running in AWS It is Serverless: Low cost and scales automatically You can throttle API Gateway
摘要:There are two types of invocation for Lambda: Request/Response Asynchronous invoaction Demo by using AWS CLI: Request/Response aws lambda invoke --fun
摘要:Continuous Integration Integrating or mergin the code changes frequently - at least once per day. (CodeCommit / GitHub) Continuous Delivery Automating
摘要:Overview: Create an S3 Bucket to store CloudFormation template Create Root Stack CloudFormation stack Create multi childstacks in rootestack Create an
摘要:Task Breakdown Install the AWS SAM CLI on your local machine Create an S3 bucket Use `sam package` to package our code and save it in S3 Use `sam depl
摘要:From to HTML: <header class="header item"> <em><strong>LOGO</strong></em> <a href="#about">About</a> <a href="#portfolio">Portfolio</a> <a href="https
摘要:CloudFormation In this hands-on exercise, you will create an S3 bucket with AWS CloudFormation. Prerequisites: AWS account By the end of this lab, you
摘要:We’ll cover topics including: Why Orchestration? Kubernetes Fundamentals Kubernetes on AWS Using a Kubernetes Cluster Other Deployment Strategies Why
摘要:Key Points AWS EKS is a service that we can use to set up Kubernetes. The deployment.yaml file is used to specify how our pods should be created. The
摘要:Configuring Your Cluster Kubernetes has configurations that can be tuned to optimize your deployed application. Cost Replicas: you can reduce number o
摘要:Find: sudo lsof -i :8080 Kill: kill -9 <PID>
摘要:Overview Create IAM User with CodeCommit Access Configure local AWS user aws configure HTTPS Git credentials for AWS CodeCommit Create CodeCommit Repo
摘要:Continue with Part 1 Overview Instead of manully build Docker image, this time, we use CodeBuild to build the Docker image for us. Update buildspec.ym
摘要:Creating an IAM User with Admin Permissions Navigate to IAM > Users. Click Add user. Set the following values: User name: k8-admin Access type: Progra
摘要:Introduction In this hands-on lab, we go through the process of configuring a CodeCommit repository from the AWS Command Line Interface. We also go th
摘要:After build sucess, we want to push the build docker image to dockerhub. For that we need to login dockerhub provide username and password. Of course,