06 2020 档案
摘要:Path: Compose Functors -> Monad Transformers -> Free Monad Let's first see how much it sucks when dealing with nested Monads (without natural transfor
摘要:Path: Compose Functors -> Monad Transformers -> Free Monad Compose Functors: Let's say we have a Task holding a Either. And we want simply apply a .ma
摘要:import './assets/css/style.css'; const app = document.getElementById('app'); app.innerHTML = ` <div class="todos"> <div class="todos-header"> <h3 clas
摘要:A support vector machine (SVM) is a supervised machine learning model that uses classification algorithms for two-group classification problems. After
摘要:Predicting Student Admissions with Neural Networks In this notebook, we predict student admissions to graduate school at UCLA based on three pieces of
摘要:ClassifyNB.py: def classify(features_train, labels_train): ### import the sklearn module for GaussianNB from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB ###
摘要:const app = document.getElementById('app'); app.innerHTML = ` <h1>JavaScript DOM</h1> <form name="order"> <label> Your name <input type="text" name="f
摘要:const app = document.getElementById('app'); app.innerHTML = ` <h1>JavaScript DOM</h1> <form name="order"> <label> Your name <input type="text" name="f
摘要:Many people just drop all of their Zsh functions inside of their .zshrc and forget about it. But as your collection of functions begins to grow, you s
摘要:A common problem you'll run into when working inside of your terminal is the desire to rename the directory you're currently in. This is achieved in 3
摘要:import './assets/css/style.css'; const app = document.getElementById('app'); app.innerHTML = ` <h1>JavaScript DOM</h1> <form name="order"> <label> You
摘要:Instead of just returning a value from a recoil selector, you can return any promise, which means that you can do asynchronous functions in recoil sel
摘要:pkg allows you to take any of your node projects and bundle them up into standalone apps that you can ship to people or servers that do not have node.
摘要:Implementing the Gradient Descent Algorithm In this lab, we'll implement the basic functions of the Gradient Descent algorithm to find the boundary in
摘要:If I have bunch of events and a bunch of probabilities, how likely is it those events happen based on the probabilities? If it is very likely then we
摘要:The Softmax Function In the next video, we'll learn about the softmax function, which is the equivalent of the sigmoid activation function, but when t
摘要:The sigmoid function is defined as sigmoid(x) = 1/(1+e-x). If the score is defined by 4x1 + 5x2 - 9 = score, then which of the following points has ex
摘要:/* for li follow by another li, add margin */ ul li + li { margin-top: $unit; } // Display .display-flex { display: flex; &--wrap { flex-wrap: wrap; }
摘要:When you doing Modal UI component, one common aria issue you need to deal with is "Refoucs the opener element when Modal closed". To do this, you need
摘要:Give this: We have a wrongn classified point, how to move the line to come closer to the points? We apply learning rate and since wrong point is in po
摘要:const compose = (...fns) => (...args) => fns.reduceRight((res, fn) => [fn.call(null, ...res)], args)[0]; const input = document.getElementById("nameIn
摘要:The place-content CSS property is a shorthand for align-content and justify-content. It can be used in any layout method which utilizes both of these
摘要:PyPi vs. Test PyPi Note that pypi.org and test.pypy.org are two different websites. You'll need to register separately at each website. If you only re
摘要:/* * [Modified] Modern CSS Reset * @link https://github.com/hankchizljaw/modern-css-reset */ /* Box sizing rules */ *, *::before, *::after { box-sizin
摘要:In this next section, you'll convert the Distributions code into a Python package. A package is a collection of Python modules. Although the previous
摘要:Thinking about Promise.all, once there is a Promise in the list fails, the whole promise fails. There would be good to have an 'Alernative' operator,
摘要:Environment variables are a standard way to configure variables in your app based on the current environment (development, test, production). This les