04 2019 档案
摘要:Asking you to implement the Math.pow method The navie implemenation can be: It takes O(N) time. Now if we want to improve it to O(logN) time. we can d
摘要:Even by using modules, they still share the same namespace. So you couldn’t have the same mutation name in different modules. Namespaces solve that by
摘要:For Fibonacci Sequence, the space complexity should be the O(logN), which is the height of tree. Check the source
摘要:Sometimes we need to create modules at runtime, for example depending on a condition. We could even want to lazy load that module by using Webpack’s c
摘要:When the Vuex store grows, it can have many mutations, actions and getters, belonging to different contexts. Vuex allows you to split your store into
摘要:Mutations perform synchronous modifications to the state, but when it comes to make an asynchronous operation, they become useless. Actions are a high
摘要:Learning notes. Video. Less than: If you use 'ramda', you maybe know 'lt, gt'.. Is '2' less than '1' , the result is false. We can see that the data i
摘要:The code is from Plusight course, github link is here. In this post, we will give a overview about how to setup Docker for a Angular, Node application
摘要:A Vuex store centralizes the state of your app, making it easy to reason about your state flow. In this lesson we’ll see how we can create a Vuex stor
摘要:It is recommened to write unit testing with Mockito in Spring framework, because it is much faster with Spring framework test. But in case you can doi
摘要:For example, we want to test against a implemataion: We want to do the test with Java Context: 1. Bring in some dependencies: in pom.xml Create a new
摘要:The benfits of multi-stage builds: Avoid manual creation of intermediate images Reduce complexity Selectively copy artifacts from one stage to another
摘要:In this post, we are going to see more functionalities in Mockito. Mock a List interface: Call multi times: First call, return 10, second times return
摘要:Let's say we want to write a most simple implementation 'avg' function: Basiclly, the 'avg' function doing two things: Calculate sum Divide sum / leng
摘要:The highlighted part is important, without this, if you hint the page url: It will show 404 page, because it will be regareded as a server request. Wi
摘要:Previously we have seen how to do Unit testing with Mockito; In this post, we are going to see, using annotation from Mockito to make testing easier:
摘要:For example, in React application, we have initial state; We have a toggle button, which everytime, it is toggle 'ui.filterGroups.status' to true/fals
摘要:For example we have a component, it needs to call 'react-redux' connect function. For the hightlighted part, there can be many possible reason for it
摘要:When we develop the Angular app inside Docker container, we can simulate Production envioment by build Angualr App instead of using 'ng serve': '--del
摘要:We have the implemetion: And we want to test agaisnst it:
摘要:First of all, install Prettier extension: "Pettier - Code formatter". The open the VSCode setting: Search for "format": and enable "Format On Save" Ad
摘要:Check the get started guid https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#overview-getting-help
摘要:All the tagged function really does is give us a function to fill the given named properties on an object. taggedSum is a combination of multi Typed c
摘要:For some React component testing, we have common setup in each test file: We want to setup a common place for JEST to load those scripts: Then for com
摘要:kompose is a tool to help users who are familiar with docker-compose move to Kubernetes. kompose takes a Docker Compose file and translates it into Ku
摘要:Let's say we have a extral app.proporites file which contains some extra configuration: We can read the extra propoties by using @Value("${xxx}") As y
摘要:function Node(val) { return { val, left: null, right: null }; } function Tree() { return { root: null, addLeft(val, root) { const newNode = Node(val); root.lef...
摘要:Create an ssh key: Copy an SSH key to a remoate server: Then enter your password. To make sure you can SSH into remote server, you can do: Since ssh-c
摘要:Component Scan is important concept when we want to create Bean. Currently we know what, for the class, we want to create Bean from it, we need to add
摘要:Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1: Input: "abcabcbb" Output: 3 Explanation: The answer
摘要:You need to construct a string consists of parenthesis and integers from a binary tree with the preorder traversing way. The null node needs to be rep
摘要:JavaScript has multiple APIs that use callback functions that all do nearly the same thing with slight variations. Event listeners, array methods such
摘要:Another way to add plain text to templates is to prefix a line with a pipe character (|). This method is useful for mixing plain text with inline tags
摘要:In previous post we have seen how to link two container together by using `--link`: In this poist, we are going to see how to create brige network, an
摘要:We have the following example: The idea is to understand in different cases, how those instanse are created. Currently when running the application, w
摘要:When we use Bean to do autowired, it actually use singleton, so even we create multi instanses, they are the same: It print out: We can also tell Spri
摘要:In the example we have currently: The way we do Autowired is by '@Primary' decorator. It is clear that one implementation detail is the best, then we
摘要:It is possible to group containers into a network and we can create multi networks so that container in each isolated network can communiate with each
摘要:Spring boot is really good for Dependencies injection by using Autowiring. Each class instancse in spring boot is called 'Bean', we can use 'Bean' to
摘要:Assume we have two linked list, we want to find a point in each list, from which all the the nodes share the same value in both list. Then we call thi
摘要:To do communcation between containers, we need to do link between containers. 1. Run a container with a name Give a name call 'my-postgres' 2. Link to
摘要:Returning multiple values from a function is a common idiom in Go, most often used for returning values along with potential errors. We'll go over how
摘要:Validating forms in React can take several lines of code to build. However, Formik's ErrorMessage component and Yup simplify that process.
摘要:For the given tree, in order traverse is: visit left side root visit right side The successor is the one right next to the target: So, given the tree
摘要:Create a Dockerfile: Build Dockerfile: Run image:
摘要:The solution for the problem can be divided into three cases: case 1: if the delete node is leaf node, then we can simply remove it case 2: if the del
摘要:Sometime you need to check one prop exists on the object and value should not be ´null´ or ´undefined´. One problem people may occur with: Here we mis
摘要:What is Binary Search Tree (BST) A binary tree in which for each node, value of all the nodes in left subtree is less or equal and value of all the no