12 2017 档案
摘要:A histogram is an accurate representation of the distribution of numerical data. Y axis is the occurances, X axis is the % of daily return. There are
摘要:In React, when you want to set the state which calculation depends on the current state, using an object can lead to state inconsistency. This is due
摘要:This lesson takes the concept of render props and migrates it over to streaming props by keeping the same example and simple refactoring the Togglecom
摘要:If you hard-code a stream of props to target a specific prop, it becomes impossible to reuse that stream with any other components. Configuring your p
摘要:Functions created with mapPropsStream canned be composed together to build up powerful streams. Bring in the compose helper from Recompose then simply
摘要:Rather than using Components to push streams into other Components, mapPropsStream allows you to create functions that can wrap components to create s
摘要:You can decouple the parent stream Component from the mapped React Component by using props.children instead. This process involves mapping the stream
摘要:Combining input streams then using scan to track the results is a common scenario when coding with streams. This lesson walks you through setting up t
摘要:Events are the beginning of most every stream. Recompose provides a createEventHandler function to help your create handler and stream pairs. Once the
摘要:Loading data using RxJS is simple using Observable.ajax. This lesson shows you how to take the ajax response and pass it along the stream to use as pr
摘要:When you declare your Component and Props in JSX, you can pass those props along to your RxJS stream. This is typically done using switchMap or combin
摘要:Recompose provides helper functions to stream props using an Observable library of your choice into React. This lesson shows you how to configure Reco
摘要:In the store marketing, for many reason, one stock's data can be incomplete: We can use 'forward fill' and 'backward fill' to fill the gap: forward fi
摘要:Global Statistics: Common seen methods as such 1. Mean 2. Median 3. Standard deviation: the larger the number means it various a lot. 4. Sum. Rolling
摘要:@{{user.username}} has {{followerCount}} followers button renders here Follow Unfollow
摘要:NumPy Reference: Indexing Integer array indexing Boolean array indexing Note: The expression a < mean produces a boolean array, like:
摘要:NumPy Reference: Indexing Integer array indexing: Select array elements with another array
摘要:NumPy Reference: Indexing Note: Indexing starts at 0 (zero). def slicing(): a = np.random.rand(5,4) print(a) """ [[ 0.15372787 0.83347785 0.86855635 0
摘要:NumPy Reference: Mathematical functions numpy.sum: Sum of elements - along rows, columns or all numpy.min, numpy.max, numpy.mean: Simple statistics Al
摘要:When making a reusable component, you'll find that people often like to have the API they're most familiar with, so in this lesson we'll recreate the
摘要:If you have state that needs to exist throughout your application, then you may find yourself passing props all over the application and even "drillin
摘要:Attributes of numpy.ndarray: numpy.ndarray.shape: Dimensions (height, width, ...) numpy.ndarray.ndim: No. of dimensions = len(shape) numpy.ndarray.siz
摘要:import numpy as np def test_run(): data=np.random.random((3,4)) """ [[ 0.80150549 0.96756513 0.18914514 0.85937016] [ 0.23563908 0.75685996 0.46804508 0.91735016] [ 0.7054...
摘要:It is easy to compare the data by normalize it.
摘要:import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def test_run(): start_date='2017-01-01' end_data='2017-12-15' dates=pd.date_range(start_
摘要:For example we have dataframe like this: Now we only we want to get highlighted part: We can use Dataframe.ix[] method to get date related index data
摘要:Create an empty Data frame with date index: Now we want to load SPY.csv and get 'Adj Close' column value and copy the range (11-21, 11-28) data to the
摘要:Sometimes users of your component want to have more control over what the internal state is. In this lesson we'll learn how to allow users to control
摘要:Sometimes you have common use cases that require common props to be applied to certain elements. You can collect these props into an object for users
摘要:Object oriented classes work much like classes in other languages. Learn how to create them and use them, learn the difference between class variables
摘要:Misunderstanding scope can cause problems in your application. Watch this lesson to learn how Python scope works and the hidden implications it presen
摘要:Exceptions cause your application to crash. Handling them allows you to recover gracefully and keep your application running. Learn how to handle exce
摘要:This lesson will teach you how to read the contents of an external file from Python. You will also learn how to use the python csv module to read and
摘要:Compound component gives more rendering control to the user. The functionality of the component stays intact while how it looks and the order of the c
摘要:A module is a function extracted to a file. This allows you to import the function and use it in any other code you may write. You’ll learn how to cre
摘要:Parcel comes in as the new cool kid in the bundlers world. Unlike other bundlers which take lots of explicit configuration, Parcel works out of the bo
摘要:A function's this argument is usually set implicitly, depending on how the function is called. Ordinary function calls, method calls, and constructor
摘要:In most cases, the value of a function's this argument is determined by how the function is called. This lesson explains what thisrefers to when we ca
摘要:Print statements will get you a long way in monitoring the behavior of your application, but logging will get your further. Learn how to implement log
摘要:A set is an unordered collection with no duplicate items in Python. In this lesson, you will learn how to create them, and perform basic operations to
摘要:Dictionaries may be familiar to you as hash maps. In this lesson, you will learn how to create them, get the values, and delete elements from the dict
摘要:List comprehensions provide a concise way to create new lists, where each item is the result of an operation applied to each member of an existing lis
摘要:isinstance("foo", str) isinstance(1, int) isinstance(4.0, float)
摘要:For example you want to know what methods are available in Python for String, you can do : Output: Now for example, we want to see How to use 'swapcas
摘要:Single quotes and double quotes can both be used to declare strings in Python. You can even use triple-double quotes! Learn when to use each in this l
摘要:Python scripts can be executed by passing the script name to the python command or created as executable commands that can run stand-alone. You’ll lea
摘要:In this lesson, you will learn what mutable and immutable objects are, and the difference between them. This understanding will help you determine whe
摘要:If you’ve used other programming languages, you may have learned that an empty object is not the same as an object that does not exist. In this lesson
摘要:Virtual Environments ensure that dependencies from one Python application don’t overwrite the dependencies of another application. In this lesson, you
摘要:In this lesson we'll talk about controlling the value for inputs, textareas, and select elements. We'll see how to manage the state ourselves while st
摘要:In this lesson we'll take a stopwatch component we built in another lesson and identify and fix a memory leak. Tow things to notice here is that: 1. t
摘要:In this lesson we'll learn about how you can use the prop-types module to validate a custom React component's props. You can write you own PropTypes v
摘要:import time import urllib import bs4 import requests start_url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random" target_url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy" def find_first_link(url): ...
摘要:# Python's list slice syntax can be used without indices # for a few fun and useful things: # You can clear all elements from a list: >>> lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> del lst[:] >>> lst [] # You can r...
摘要:>>> import itertools >>> for p in itertools.permutations('ABCD'): ... print(p) ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D') ('A', 'B', 'D', 'C') ('A', 'C', 'B', 'D') ('A', 'C', 'D