01 2017 档案
摘要:Add functional function such as change state, this should have tests covered. For example, in a component, there is a function call 'addBox': Here we
摘要:In React app, you might create lots of components. We can use index.js to do both 'import' & 'export'. When using it, we just need to import the folde
摘要:The Chrome console allows you to format messages using CSS properties. This lesson walks you through the syntax of formatting your logs with css then
摘要:To understand how change detection can help us improve the proference, we need to understand when it works first. There are some rules which can be ap
摘要:micro is a small module that makes it easy to write high performance and asynchronous microservices in Node.js. This video will introduce you to micro
摘要:Let's say the message list can Input (messages) from parent component, and what we want to do is when there are new message, we will scroll message li
摘要:For the first Effect, will trigger another action: Second effect: will trigger another action:
摘要:Observable.prototype.debug = function(message: any) { return this.do( (next) => { if(!environment.production) { console.log(message, next); } }, (err) => { ...
摘要:See the current implementaion of code, we have a smart component, and inside the smart component we are using both 'serivce' and 'store'. In the large
摘要:You can dynamically switch between components in a template by using the reserved <component> element and dynamically bind to its is attribute. By usi
摘要:By building components, you can extend basic HTML elements and reuse encapsulated code. Most options that are passed into a Vue constructor can be pas
摘要:You can use v-if and v-else to display content based on assertions on your data. Similarly, v-show can be used to render the content, but hide it with
摘要:What is Isomorphisms?We have a value x, then apply function 'to' and 'from' to value 'x', the result we should still get 'x'. So Isomorphisms is kind
摘要:Use v-bind:class and v-bind:style to compute html classes and inline styles from component data. Vue.js will automatically add vendor prefixes when us
摘要:this is probably the most tricky thing to use in JavaScript and therefore TypeScript. Fortunately there is a TypeScript compiler flag noImplicit this
摘要:Use watchers to keep an eye on your data. Watchers are methods that are invoked when the specified attribute changes. They are useful when you want to
摘要:You can add computed properties to a component to calculate a property on the fly. The benefit of this over invoking a method is that computed propert
摘要:Just like in the command line, you can pipe a property through a filter to get a desired result. You can even chain them together!
摘要:Components are one of the most powerful features of Vue. Let's take a look at how to write our first components and make use of them in a parent compo
摘要:When using Radio button for Tamplate driven form, we want to change to the value change and preform some action.
摘要:In this lesson we'll use a handful of Ramda's utility functions to take a queryString full of name/value pairs and covert it into a JavaScript object
摘要:Let's use a range of events and their modifiers to look at the cool ways we can deal with event handlers in Vue. Using '@' replace 'v-on' @submit.prev
摘要:We don't always control the data we need in our applications, and that means we often find ourselves massaging and transforming our data. In this less
摘要:The data contained in this.props.children is not always what you might expect. React provides React.children to allow for a more consistent developmen
摘要:import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch'; import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw'; updatePassenger(passenger: Passenger): Observabl...
摘要:What could be the issue, for example we have two list: Parent component: Child component: They both display list of "passengers". What will happens th
摘要:Public Class Fields allow you to add instance properties to the class definition with the assignment operator (=). In this lesson, we'll look at their
摘要:This lesson will show when to apply groupBy in the real world. This RxJS operator is best suited when a source observable represents many data sources
摘要:Most of the functions offered by the ramda library are curried by default. Functions you've created or that you've pulled in from another library may
摘要:The structure directive is just a sugar syntax of <template>. Such as: Equal to:
摘要:We are going to ensure our app is structured in a clear way using functional components. Then, we are going to pass those components state values from
摘要:Learn how to write a promise based delay function and then use it in async await to see how much it simplifies code over setTimeout. Lets say you want
摘要:You need to define a <template> to be able to use it elsewhere in your app as a TemplateRef. You can store these TemplateRefs in a Service and then ac
摘要:Just like passing in an array to *ngFor, you can pass in any value into your structural directive so that it can render templates based on those value
摘要:Just like in *ngFor, you're able to pass in data into your own structural directives. This is done by declaring the variable using a let statement the
摘要:Most provides many means for creating streams, the simplest of which is the offunction. In this lesson, we demonstrate the use of of to lift a single
摘要:Let's split our changes into separate commits. We'll be able to check over our changes before staging them all from the terminal. Then, we'll see the
摘要:A JavaScript Proxy allows you to intercept operations performed on objects, arrays, or functions like property lookup, assignment, invocation, propert
摘要:If you want to check whether a key is inside an Object or Array, you can use 'in': Object: Array:
摘要:As we start building out more complex GraphQL schemas, certain fields start to repeat across different types. This is a perfect use-case for the Inter
摘要:When we have certain mutations that require more complex input parameters, we can leverage the Input Object Type in GraphQL. In this video, we’ll lear
摘要:In order to change the data that we can query for in a GraphQL Schema, we have to define what is called a mutation in GraphQL. Mutations allow us to s
摘要:When working with collections of things in GraphQL, we'll always reach out for the GraphQLListType. In this video, we'll learn how to use GraphQLList