01 2015 档案
摘要:Container: 居中 Blasting Off With Bootstrap The Fastest Way to Space Make your way to space in the comfort of your own ro...
摘要:Check out on gitHub, see the example on Demo page, see the document, extension.Mainly, there are three parts consist of Javascript part:form, schema a...
摘要:1. Go to 'Extras' -> download and install 'Babel'.2. Set up '.htaccess' file, currently, we set up three languages:find '# The Friendly URLs part' in ...
摘要:Sometimes you might need to modify HTTP requests and responses. This could be for a variety of reasons such as adding global logic handling for HTTP e...
摘要:See more: http://toddmotto.com/opinionated-angular-js-styleguide-for-teams/ While the routes are being resolved we want to show the user something to
摘要:json-server makes it extremely easy to setup robust JSON apis to use for demos and proof of concepts. John walks you through the process of using pre-...
摘要:Use 'pattern' tag in html5:
摘要:1. First you need to login heroku:heroku login2. Then you need to download the code:heroku git:clone -a Get a remote repo: git remote add heroku git@h...
摘要:After you download the VirtualBox install package and install it (just defualt setting).Then you should download theubuntu.iso file from the website.T...
摘要:Snippet code:addPackage('storefinder',$path . 'model/','modx_');$result= $modx->getCollection('sfStore');foreach($result as $res){ $output .= $m...
摘要:Simple Example:Lets process this chunk and output its value. We have this Chunk, called "WelcomeChunk":Welcome [[+name]]!We'll put this in our Snippet...
摘要:MODx provides a really unfriendly way to work with xPDO class. What I means is you need to define XML schma, mysql table and run the script to generat...
摘要:1. Install login package.2. Create a Template called 'login':[[!Login? &loginResourceId=`13` // means after login, redirect resource 13 page, in ...
摘要:From:http://rangle.io/blog/two-ways-to-build-a-location-picker-for-a-mobile-angularjs-application/Building mobile apps often requires working with loc...
摘要:The post we have:http://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/4185504.htmlgives a breif introduce about bindToController on the directive.Here is a blog about ...
摘要:1. Install the wayFinder package2. Select the resource which you want to show:The 'published' resources are shown in drak icon, otherwise light color....
摘要:1. Create a chunk call 'white_content' for white content: The Endorsements ...
摘要:1. Add chunk:For example, replace the header by using chunk.Usage: [[$chunk_name]]Cut all the header code from the Learn template [[++site_...
摘要:1. The package we might need:2. Install the package:Select InstallerDownload ExtrasInstall the package you need3. Check the result:For exmaple: Ace, i...
摘要:1. Connet MODx by SSH:Go to the MODx cloud;Find you current user and right click selet Edit Cloud;Find your SSH connect information:2. Upload an HTML5...
摘要:We'velooked at lazy loading with ocLazyLoadpreviously, but what if we are using ui-router and want to lazy load modules when we change states?angular....
摘要:With the ocLazyLoad you can load AngularJS modules on demand. This is very handy for runtime loading of Angular modules in large applications. Simple
摘要:ui-router's states and AngularJS directives have much in common. Let's explores the similarities between the two and how these patterns have emerged i...
摘要:Scope resolution of our Angular documents works exactly the same way scope resolution works in plain, old Javascript. The only difference here is that...
摘要:Currently, the server.js is going way too long. In the real world application, it is likely that we are going to deal with more routers, whichi means ...
摘要:For server.js, we update the code by using route instance. By using this, we can remove some duplicate code.For example:app.get('/people', function(re...
摘要:In ES5, we have for ... in:var phones = ["iPhone", "Nexus", "Nokia"];for(i in phones){ console.log(phones[i]);}//iPhone//Nexus//NokiaWhat we get fr...
摘要:ES6 provides Map, it is a set of k-v pair. Key can be number, string, object, function and even undefined.var m = new Map();Methods:1. set(k,v)m.set("...
摘要:Es6 provides "Set", it likes array but the data inside should be unqiue."Set" is a construct function, you should call:var s = new Set();Methods:1.add...
摘要:Define object:var color = "blue";var speed = 120;var car = {color, speed};console.log(car.color); // blueconsole.log(car.speed); // 120in ES5:var ca...