Define a collection: var AppointmentList = Backbone.Collection.extend({model: Appointment}); RESET the json: var appointments = new AppointmentList(); 阅读全文
The Poplar Puzzle-makers weren’t too impressed. They barely noticed your simple and beautiful array of functions, and were only sort of “meh” on the u 阅读全文
Now the people at Poplar Puzzles would like you to treat an array of functions like a Queue, passing the result of each function into the next until t 阅读全文
var parkRides = [["Birch Bumpers", 40], ["Pines Plunge", 55], ["Cedar Coaster", 20], ["Ferris Wheel of Firs". 90]]; var fastPassQueus = ["Cedar Coaste 阅读全文
As an example, if Jason was riding the roller coaster (and when isn’t he), your goal would be to change his cell from ["Jason", "Millhouse"] to just " 阅读全文
Inside the Haunted Hickory House file, developers for the Forest of Function Expressions Theme Park have created a declared function called forestFrig 阅读全文
//This will load the code into the memory no matter //you call it or not function diffOfSquares(a,b){ return a*a -b*b; } //This code will only load in 阅读全文