[Maid] Write Tasks in Markdown with Maid

Maid enables you to write your tasks in Markdown. Create a maidfile.md or a README.mdthen add Headers to list out your tasks with codeblocks including the tasks to run. This lesson walks you through creating a few tasks in either a maidfile.md or a README.md and how to execute the tasks from the command line.



npm install maid --save-dev


Create a maidfile.md

## hello

echo "hi"

Then run:

npx maid hello



A more realworld example can be that we can use maid to run build process



npm i -D parcel


## build

npx parcel build index.html

## dev

npx parcel index.html


npx maid build

npx maid dev





We can also run another task before or after the build task:

## build

Run task `start`.

Run task `end` after.

npx parcel build index.html

## dev

npx parcel index.html

## start

console.log("task start")

## end

console.log("task end")




Add description for the tasks:

## build

This build the project

Run task `start`.

Run task `end` after.

npx parcel build index.html

## dev

This is for development

npx parcel index.html

## start

This run before the build

console.log("task start")

## end

This run after the build

console.log("task end")



npx maid help




Using README.md:

in README file, we just need to add 

<!-- maid-tasks -->

Before the tasks we want to run, and all those tasks should have "###".


    * mdx-deck

## Tasks
<!-- maid-tasks -->

### build

This build the project

Run task `start`.

Run task `end` after.

npx parcel build index.html

### dev

This is for development

npx parcel index.html

### start

This run before the build

console.log("task start")

### end

This run after the build

console.log("task end")




posted @ 2018-08-18 22:22  Zhentiw  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报