[Redux] Introduction
Single immutable state tree:
Should be just one single javascript object.
Describing the changes by action:
every change in the application state as a plain JavaScript object called “action”.
Pure Function & Impure Function:
Pure function always return the same result and no side effect.
Impure function, has side effect or return new function.
// Pure functions function square(x) { return x * x; } function squareAll(items) { return items.map(square); } // Impure functions function square(x) { updateXInDatabase(x); return x * x; } function squareAll(items) { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i] = square(items[i]); } }
The Reducer function:
The function should have a 'previous state', 'the action has been dispatched', '¨next state' and this function should be pure.
Writing a Counter Reducer with Tests
function counter(state, action) { if(typeof state === "undefined"){ return 0; } if(action.type === "INCREASE"){ state += 1; return state; }else if(action.type === "DECREASE"){ state -= 1; return state; }else{ return state; } } expect( counter(0, {type: 'INCREASE'}) ).toEqual(1); expect( counter(1, {type: 'INCREASE'}) ).toEqual(2); expect( counter(2, {type: 'DECREASE'}) ).toEqual(1); expect( counter(1, {type: 'DECREASE'}) ).toEqual(0); // If the action is unknown, should remain be the previsou state expect( counter(1, {type: 'SOMETHING_ELSE'}) ).toEqual(1); // If the previous state is undefined, should return the initialize state expect( counter(undefined, {}) ).toEqual(0); console.log("PASSED!");
Covert to ES6:
const counter = (state = 0, action) => { switch(action.type) { case "INCREASE: return state + 1; case "DECREASE": return state -1; default: return state; } }