[AngularJS + Unit Testing] Testing Directive's controller with bindToController, controllerAs and isolate scope
<div> <h2>{{vm.userInfo.number}} - {{vm.userInfo.name}}</h2> </div>
'use strict'; class CardTitleInformCtrl { constructor() { } } function CardTitleInformDirective() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: {}, bindToController: { userInfo: '=' }, replace: true, template: require('./card-title-inform.html'), controller: CardTitleInformCtrl, controllerAs: 'vm' }; } export default (ngModule) => { ngModule.directive('comCardTitleInform', CardTitleInformDirective); };
export default (ngModule) => { describe('card title inform test', () => { var $scope, $compile, html, directiveName, directiveElm, controller; html = '<com-card-title-inform userInfo="userInfo"></com-card-title-inform>', directiveName = 'comCardTitleInform'; beforeEach(window.module(ngModule.name)); beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_){ $scope = _$rootScope_.$new(); $compile = _$compile_; directiveElm = $compile(angular.element(html))($scope); controller = directiveElm.controller(directiveName); $scope.$digest(); })); it('should has an h2 element with text 888-888-888 - Wan', function () { // Assign the data to the controller -- Because we use bindToController controller.userInfo = { name: "Wan", number: "888-888-888" }; // ControllerAs as 'vm', assign controller to the $scope.vm $scope.vm = controller; // Make it work $scope.$digest(); expect(directiveElm.find('h2').text()).toEqual(controller.userInfo.number + ' - ' +controller.userInfo.name); }); }); };
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