[CSS] @keyframes




@keyframes swing{
  0% { transform: rotate(0deg)}
  100% {transform: rotate(-30deg)}

    animation: swing 2s infinite ease-in-out;





Muli-steps keyframes

@keyframes swing {
  0% {
    transform: rotate(-30deg);
  50% {
    transform: rotate(30deg);

  100% {
    transform: rotate(-30deg);

#sweetlandia {
  animation: swing 2s infinite ease-in-out;


@keyframes swing {
  0%, 100% { transform: rotate(-30deg); }
  20% {transform: scale(0.95)}
  80% {transform: scale(0.95)}
  50% { transform: rotate(30deg); }

#sweetlandia {
  animation: swing 2s infinite ease-in-out;

More Advanced Keyframe Animations

fadeIn keyframe animation has been started. Style the element to be completely hidden in its starting state. Hide it in a way that will allow us to fade it in.

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {


Complete the animation by making the end state visible.

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {
        opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;

Apply the fadeIn animation to the .modal-overlay when it is .active.

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {
        opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;

    animation: fadeIn .25s;

Finally, in order to make the overlay stay visible after it is done animating, give the animation a fill-mode of forwards.

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {
        opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;

    animation: fadeIn .25s forwards;


Create a slideUp keyframe animation.

Have the slideUp animation start by moving down (translating Y) by 400px.

End the animation by moving up (translating Y) by -300px up the page.

@keyframes slideUp{
  from {
      transform: translateY(400px);
    transform: translateY(-300px);


The fadeIn animation has already been applied for you to the modal when active. Now apply the newly created slideUp animation. Give the animation a0.65s duration with a 0.5s delay.

.modal.active {
  animation: fadeIn 0.25s forwards, slideUp 0.65s 0.5s;

Give the slideUp animation a custom cubic bezier with these values 0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275. This will cause the modal to slideUp, overshoot the -300px, and then slide back down to its resting spot at -300px. Neat, right?!

Finally, have the modal stay at its final resting state on the page, by giving theslideUp animation a fill-mode of forwards.

@keyframes slideUp{
  from {
      transform: translateY(400px);
    transform: translateY(-300px);

.modal.active {
  animation: fadeIn 0.25s forwards, slideUp 0.65s 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.175,0.885,0.32,1.275) forwards;


<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <title>Cosplay Happenings</title>
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            <img src='logo.png' alt='Sweet Lands' />
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          <li><a href='#retweets'>Retweets</a></li>
          <li><a href='#pictures'>Pictures</a></li>
          <li><a href='#event'>Upcoming</a></li>

    <!-- Header -->
    <header class='header'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <h1 class='header-title'>Cosplay Happenings</h1>
        <p class='header-subtitle'>Welcome to our candy-coated community!</p>

    <!-- Most Retweeted -->
    <section class='retweets' id='retweets'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <h2>Most Retweeted</h2>
        <div class='retweet group'>
          <img src='unicorn.jpg' alt='Unicorn' width='200' height='200' />
            Sparkles the Unicorn saunters down the Lemony Brick Road and
            prances past the Soda Pop River! Her majestic horn points the way
            to the Frosting Fortress, as her glittery mane and tail sway in the
            bubblegum breeze.
        <div class='retweet group'>
          <img src='fairy.jpg' alt='Fairy' width='200' height='200' />
            Who’s that there in the Candy Corn Fields? Why, it’s Sarsaparilla
            the Sherbet Sprite! He’s thoughtfully pondering which treat to
            partake of next. The Lollipop Forest is in the distance, in case he
            needs a place to rest his sweet head.

    <!-- Purchase -->
    <section class='pictures' id='pictures'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <ul class='pictures-list group'>
          <li><img src='group-01.jpg' alt='Group' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='cupcake.jpg' alt='Cupcake' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='rainbow.jpg' alt='Rainbow' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='donut.jpg' alt='Donut' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='dog.jpg' alt='Dog' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='fairy.jpg' alt='Fairy' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='unicorn.jpg' alt='Unicorn' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='group-02.jpg' alt='Group' width='200' height='200' /></li>

    <!-- Contact -->
    <section class='event'  id='event'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <h2>Upcoming Event</h2>
        <div class='event-content'>
          <img src='sweetlandia.png' alt='SweetLandia' id='sweetlandia' width='200' />
            Once upon a time, there was a magical place called Sweet Lands — a
            world we may now only travel to in our imaginations. But one
            weekend every year, when the sugar cane stalks bend toward the east
            and the cotton candy is at its swirliest, the Sweetlandia
            convention brings this wondrous world within reach! So join
            Sparkles, Pierre, and the rest of the gang for a meeting of the
            sweet-minded in sunny Omaha, Nebraska! It’s sure to be your
            sweetest adventure yet.
          <div class='event-action'>
            <a href='#' class='btn buy-button'>
              <span class='top content'>Register Now!</span>
              <span class='bottom content'>Hurry, Limited Space!</span>

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              <option value='visa'>Visa</option>
              <option value='mastercard'>MasterCard</option>
              <option value='american_express'>American Express</option>

          <fieldset class='form-field'>
            <input class='form-input' type='text' id='number' />
            <label class='form-label' for='number'>CC Number</label>

          <fieldset class='form-field'>
            <input class='form-input' type='text' id='expiration' />
            <label class='form-label' for='expiration'>CC Expiration</label>

          <div class='form-submit'>
            <input class='btn' type='Submit' value='Submit' />
    <script src='application.min.js'></script>




Apply the slideUpSmall animation to the modal's header using a 0.25second duration.

Give the slideUpSmall animation a 0.75 second delay and a fill-mode offorwards.

Nice job! Now apply the slideUpSmall animation to the modal's content using the same duration as before.

Give the slideUpSmall animation for the modal's content a 0.8 second delay and a fill-mode of forwards.

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {
    opacity: 1;
    visibility: visible;
.modal-overlay.active {
  animation: fadeIn 0.25s forwards ;
@keyframes slideUp {
  from {transform: translateY(400px);}
  to   {transform: translateY(-300px);}
.modal {
  transform: translateY(700px);
.modal.active {
  animation: fadeIn 0.25s forwards,
    slideUp 0.65s 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) forwards;

@keyframes slideUpSmall {
  from {transform: translateY(80px);}
  to   {transform: translateY(0px);}

.modal.active .modal-header {
  animation: fadeIn 0.25s 0.8s forwards, slideUpSmall 0.25s 0.75s forwards;

.modal.active .modal-content {
  animation: fadeIn 0.25s 0.85s forwards, slideUpSmall 0.25s 0.8s forwards;


<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <title>Cosplay Happenings</title>
    <link href='level3.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    <!-- Nav -->
    <nav class='nav'>
      <div class='cell'>
        <a class='nav-logo' href='/'>
          <div class='shing'>
            <img src='logo.png' alt='Sweet Lands' />
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          <li><a href='#retweets'>Retweets</a></li>
          <li><a href='#pictures'>Pictures</a></li>
          <li><a href='#event'>Upcoming</a></li>

    <!-- Header -->
    <header class='header'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <h1 class='header-title'>Cosplay Happenings</h1>
        <p class='header-subtitle'>Welcome to our candy-coated community!</p>

    <!-- Most Retweeted -->
    <section class='retweets' id='retweets'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <h2>Most Retweeted</h2>
        <div class='retweet group'>
          <img src='unicorn.jpg' alt='Unicorn' width='200' height='200' />
            Sparkles the Unicorn saunters down the Lemony Brick Road and
            prances past the Soda Pop River! Her majestic horn points the way
            to the Frosting Fortress, as her glittery mane and tail sway in the
            bubblegum breeze.
        <div class='retweet group'>
          <img src='fairy.jpg' alt='Fairy' width='200' height='200' />
            Who’s that there in the Candy Corn Fields? Why, it’s Sarsaparilla
            the Sherbet Sprite! He’s thoughtfully pondering which treat to
            partake of next. The Lollipop Forest is in the distance, in case he
            needs a place to rest his sweet head.

    <!-- Purchase -->
    <section class='pictures' id='pictures'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <ul class='pictures-list group'>
          <li><img src='group-01.jpg' alt='Group' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='cupcake.jpg' alt='Cupcake' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='rainbow.jpg' alt='Rainbow' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='donut.jpg' alt='Donut' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='dog.jpg' alt='Dog' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='fairy.jpg' alt='Fairy' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='unicorn.jpg' alt='Unicorn' width='200' height='200' /></li>
          <li><img src='group-02.jpg' alt='Group' width='200' height='200' /></li>

    <!-- Contact -->
    <section class='event'  id='event'>
      <div class='cell well'>
        <h2>Upcoming Event</h2>
        <div class='event-content'>
          <img src='sweetlandia.png' alt='SweetLandia' id='sweetlandia' width='200' />
            Once upon a time, there was a magical place called Sweet Lands — a
            world we may now only travel to in our imaginations. But one
            weekend every year, when the sugar cane stalks bend toward the east
            and the cotton candy is at its swirliest, the Sweetlandia
            convention brings this wondrous world within reach! So join
            Sparkles, Pierre, and the rest of the gang for a meeting of the
            sweet-minded in sunny Omaha, Nebraska! It’s sure to be your
            sweetest adventure yet.
          <div class='event-action'>
            <a href='#' class='btn buy-button'>
              <span class='top content'>Register Now!</span>
              <span class='bottom content'>Hurry, Limited Space!</span>

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        <a class='modal-close' href='#' aria-label='Close'>&times;</a>
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        <form class='form' action=''>
          <fieldset class='form-field'>
            <!-- <label class='form-label' for='type'>CC Type</label> -->
            <select class='cs-select cs-skin-elastic' name='type'>
              <option value='visa'>Visa</option>
              <option value='mastercard'>MasterCard</option>
              <option value='american_express'>American Express</option>

          <fieldset class='form-field'>
            <input class='form-input' type='text' id='number' />
            <label class='form-label' for='number'>CC Number</label>

          <fieldset class='form-field'>
            <input class='form-input' type='text' id='expiration' />
            <label class='form-label' for='expiration'>CC Expiration</label>

          <div class='form-submit'>
            <input class='btn' type='Submit' value='Submit' />
    <script src='application.min.js'></script>


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