[ES6] 21. ESNext, ES6-Shim & Node


Esnext is similar to traceur, you can use command line to compile files.


npm install esnext -g

Here's how to compile a single file an print it to stdout:

esnext myfile.js


To compile many files at once, specify an output directory:

esnext -o build lib/**/*.js


To enable source maps for these files, add the **--source-maps** flag.

But esnext doesn't support as many es6 features as traceur, so it is not that popular.


ES-shim is different from traceur and esnext. It is a list of shim and polyfills which you can include and use in the browser.
So it is really easy to use.


bower install es6-shim



For Windows, need to install nodist for node manager.



node --harmony --use-strict app.js 


posted @ 2015-04-29 03:47  Zhentiw  阅读(400)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报