[AngularJS] Catching errors with $exceptionHandler
The AngularJS $exceptionHandler service allows you to catch and handle unanticipated JavaScript errors in a meaningful way.
So when application is under building process, can create a $exceptionHandler service to log out the uncatch exception.
angular.module('app', []) .factory('$exceptionHandler', function ($injector) { return function (exception, cause) { var $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope'); $rootScope.errors = $rootScope.errors || []; $rootScope.errors.push(exception.message); console.log($rootScope.errors); } }) .run(function ($http) { function onSuccess (result) { console.log('hooray data!'); console.log(result.data.length, 'repos found'); result.count(); // This is no count() method on the result object. } function onFailure (info) { console.log('boo error :('); console.log(info); } $http.get('https://api.github.com/users/bclinkinbeard/repos') .then(onSuccess, onFailure); // We can catch $http return failure but there could be some uncatch failure in some place });