[Heroku + MySQL Workbench] Remote connection to Heroku ClearDB by using MySQL Workbench
Sometime you might want to dump some tables or database from the mysql database. If you using heroku, you can not find the graphy interface like phpMyAdmin. Therefore you need to use other tools to help you finish this task.
I am using MySQL workbench, which you can donwload here (window) and install it.
For example, what I want is dump tables:
1. Login your heroku, and click ClearDB, go to dashboard.
2. Select the database you want.
3. Go to the 'endpoint information' tab, from there you can find the username and password for login database.
4. From the command line, login your heroku, type:
heroku config --app <your_app_name>
You should look for the stuff after '@':
mysql: XXXXXXXXX@eu-xxxxx-weat-07.com
This is the remote connect addreess.
5. Now, you have username, password and address, open workbench:
6. Create new Instance.
7 Mnage Import / Export on the instance you just create