[ES6] 15. Generators -- 2
Using for..of statement:
function* greeting(){ console.log(`Generators are "lazy"`); yield "How"; console.log(`I'm not called until the second next`); yield "are"; console.log(`Call me before "you"?`); yield "you"; console.log(`Called when "done"`); } let greeter = greeting(); for(word of greeter){ console.log(word); } //How //are //you
You can see, it ouptu "How are you", because it grabs the value off of the next.
The same as:
let greeter = greeting();
Assign the yield to the variable:
function* greet(){ let friendly = yield "How"; console.log(friendly); yield "are"; yield "you"; } var greeter = greet(); console.log(greeter.next().value); console.log(greeter.next().value); console.log(greeter.next().value); //How //undefined //are //you
When you assign yield to friendly, it doesn't console out "How" but undefined.
Why undefined?:
The way that this works is that the next step through the iteration, so if I say "The heck," will basically send this back through and assign it to this friendly. If I log this out now you'll see I get "How," and then "The heck." That means you can start building things through the iteration process.
Add param to the next():
function* greet(){ let friendly = yield "How"; console.log(friendly); yield "are"; yield "you"; } var greeter = greet(); console.log(greeter.next().value); console.log(greeter.next("the hack").value); console.log(greeter.next().value); //How //the hack //are //you
function* greet(){ let friendly = yield "How"; friendly = yield friendly + "are"; yield friendly + "you?"; } var greeter = greet(); console.log(greeter.next().value); console.log(greeter.next(" the heck ").value); console.log(greeter.next(" silly ol'").value); //How // the heck are // silly ol you
Cannot pass the param to the first next():
function* greet(){ let friendly = yield "How"; friendly = yield friendly + "are"; yield friendly + "you?"; } var greeter = greet(); console.log(greeter.next("first").value);
It will show error message:
TypeError: Sent value to newborn generator.
Because you haven't given this a chance to run and iterate and go to the next step where you could actually pass in a value.
Generators also help you work with infinite sequences:
function* graph(){ let x = 0; let y = 0; while(true){ yield {x:x, y:y} x += 2; y += 1; } } var graphGenerator = graph(); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value); console.log(graphGenerator.next().value);
I can safely yield this X and Y point knowing confidently that this stuff isn't going to evaluate until the next step through after the yield process.