[Backbone]8. Level 7: Router and history
1. Ceate a route Class
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ });
2. Add a route name it "show", listene to 'appointments/:id'
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "appointments/:id": 'show'}, show: function(id){ }, });
3. Start the backbone history, and put pushState to true:
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
4. New a Route instance, and use navigate function to 'appointments/1':
var router = new AppRouter(); router.navigate('appointments/1', {trigger: true});
5. In show function, we fetch the data where id = 1, new a view instance and replace the data on '#app':
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "appointments/:id": "show" }, show: function(id){ var appointment = new Appointment({id: id}); appointment.fetch(); var appointmentView = new AppointmentView({model: appointment}); $("#app").html(appointmentView.render().el); } });
6. First, add the root route and point it to the index
As you can see we are passing in a appointmentList
list collection in the router's initialize
function. Finish out the index
action by replacing the content of #app
with the appointmentsView
. Make sure you fetch new data for the appointmentList
from the server.
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "" : "index", "appointments/:id": "show" }, initialize: function(options){ this.appointmentList = options.appointmentList; }, index: function(){ var appointmentsView = new AppointmentListView({collection: this.appointmentList}); appointmentsView.render(); $("#app").append(appointmentsView.el); this.appointmentList.fetch(); }, show: function(id){ var appointment = new Appointment({id: id}); var appointmentView = new AppointmentView({model: appointment}); appointmentView.render(); $('#app').append(appointmentView.el); appointment.fetch(); } });
8. First, instead of assigning a Router class to AppRouter
, just create the Router instance.
Next, instead of passing in the appointmentList
collection in initialize, create an instance of AppointmentList
and assign it to this.appointmentList
Add a start
function to the router to start our Backbone history with pushState on.
Finally, call the router's start
function from inside a jQuery ready function to ensure we don't start updating the DOM before it's ready.
var AppRouter = new (Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "appointments/:id": "show", "": "index" }, initialize: function(){ this.appointmentList = new AppointmentList(); }, start: function(){ Backbone.history.start({pushState:true}); }, index: function(){ var appointmentsView = new AppointmentListView({collection: this.appointmentList}); appointmentsView.render(); $('#app').html(appointmentsView.el); this.appointmentList.fetch(); }, show: function(id){ var appointment = new Appointment({id: id}); var appointmentView = new AppointmentView({model: appointment}); appointmentView.render(); $('#app').html(appointmentView.el); appointment.fetch(); } })); $(window).ready(function(){ AppRouter.start(); });
------------------------------Final Code--------------------------------
var AppRouter = new (Backbone.Router.extend({ routes: { "appointments/:id": "show", "": "index" }, initialize: function(){ this.appointmentList = new AppointmentList(); }, start: function(){ Backbone.history.start({pushState:true}); }, index: function(){ var appointmentsView = new AppointmentListView({collection: this.appointmentList}); appointmentsView.render(); $('#app').html(appointmentsView.el); this.appointmentList.fetch(); }, show: function(id){ var appointment = new Appointment({id: id}); var appointmentView = new AppointmentView({model: appointment}); appointmentView.render(); $('#app').html(appointmentView.el); appointment.fetch(); } })); $(window).ready(function(){ AppRouter.start(); }); AppRouter.navigate('appointments/1', {trigger: true}); var AppointmentView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: _.template('<span class="<% if(cancelled) print("cancelled") %>"><%= title %></span><a href="#">x</a>'), initialize: function(){ this.model.on('change', this.render, this); }, render: function(){ this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this; } }); var AppointmentListView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(){ this.collection.on('add', this.addOne, this); this.collection.on('reset', this.render, this); }, render: function(){ this.collection.forEach(this.addOne, this); }, addOne: function(model){ var appointmentView = new AppointmentView({model: model}); appointmentView.render(); this.$el.append(appointmentView.el); } }); var Appointment = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: function() { return { 'date': new Date(), 'cancelled': false, 'title': 'Checkup' } } }); var AppointmentList = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Appointment });