[Node.js] Create a note cli

Create a node cli

Init a project

Run: npm run init

Let's say we want to create a cli command call note-dev, let's add this into package.json file:

  "bin": {
    "note-dev": "./index.js"

Create the entry file:

"#!/usr/bin/env node";
// index.js
console.log("hello cli");

We need to add our cli note-dev to local env, run:

npm link inside project root folder. This way we can test the change in local quickly, we don't need to publish a package and reinstall again and again.

We can test it by runing which note-dev, will get result /<PATH_PROEJCT>/bin/note-dev.

If we run note-dev, we will see the console output.


  1. Need to have "#!/usr/bin/env node" on top of your index.js file to tell which runtime env it should be.
  2. Need to have bin in package.json to tell the name of the cli command.
  3. Need to run npm link in your local dev everytime code changes in order to test locally.


We want to use Node.js version 18 in order to use import / export ES6 module syntax.

In order not to change our default node.js installed on our machine.

Let's use volta: Install volta

Then run volta pin node@18

After run, you will find in your package.json:

  "volta": {
    "node": "18.17.1"

Then to enable import / export ES6 module syntax, let's add into package.json

 "type": "module",

Install a package call yargs: npm i yargs

CLI implementation

// db.js
import fs from "node:fs/promises";

const DB_PATH = new URL("../db.json", import.meta.url).pathname;

export const getDB = async () => {
  const db = await fs.readFile(DB_PATH, "utf-8");
  return JSON.parse(db);

export const saveDB = async (db) => {
  await fs.writeFile(DB_PATH, JSON.stringify(db, null, 2));
  return db;

export const insertDB = async (note) => {
  const db = await getDB();
  await saveDB(db);
  return note;
// notes.js
import { insertDB, saveDB, getDB } from "./db.js";

export const newNote = async (note, tags = []) => {
  const newNote = {
    id: Date.now(),
    content: note,

  await insertDB(newNote);
  return newNote;

export const getAllNotes = async () => {
  const db = await getDB();
  return db.notes;

export const findNotes = async (filter) => {
  const notes = await getAllNotes();
  return notes.filter((note) =>

export const removeNote = async (id) => {
  const notes = await getAllNotes();
  const match = notes.find((note) => note.id === id);

  if (match) {
    const newNotes = notes.filter((note) => note.id !== id);
    await saveDB({ notes: newNotes });
    return id;

export const removeAllNotes = async () => {
  await saveDB({ notes: [] });
// server.js
import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import http from "node:http";
import open from "open";

const interpolate = (html, data) => {
  return html.replace(/\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}/g, (match, placeholder) => {
    return data[placeholder] || "";

const formatNotes = (notes) => {
  return notes
    .map((note) => {
      return `
      <div class="note">
        <div class="tags">
          ${note.tags.map((tag) => `<span class="tag">${tag}</span>`).join("")}

const createServer = (notes) => {
  return http.createServer(async (req, res) => {
    const HTML_PATH = new URL("./template.html", import.meta.url).pathname;
    const template = await fs.readFile(HTML_PATH, "utf-8");
    const html = interpolate(template, { notes: formatNotes(notes) });

    res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });

export const start = (notes, port) => {
  const server = createServer(notes);
  server.listen(port, () => {
    console.log(`Server is listening on port ${port}`);
// commands.js
import yargs from "yargs";
import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers";
import {
} from "./notes.js";
import { start } from "./server.js";

const listNotes = (notes) => {
  notes.forEach((note) => {
    console.log("id: ", note.id);
    console.log("tags: ", note.tags.join(", ")),
      console.log("note: ", note.content);

    "new <note>",
    "create a new note",
    (yargs) => {
      return yargs.positional("note", {
        describe: "The content of the note you want to create",
        type: "string",
    async (argv) => {
      const tags = argv.tags ? argv.tags.split(",") : [];
      const note = await newNote(argv.note, tags);
      console.log("new note created", note);
  .option("tags", {
    alias: "t",
    type: "string",
    description: "tags to add to the note",
    "get all notes",
    () => {},
    async (argv) => {
      const notes = await getAllNotes();
    "find <filter>", // required <filter>
    "get matching notes",
    (yargs) => {
      return yargs.positional("filter", {
          "The search term to filter notes by, will be applied to note.content",
        type: "string",
    async (argv) => {
      const matches = await findNotes(argv.filter);
    "remove <id>",
    "remove a note by id",
    (yargs) => {
      return yargs.positional("id", {
        type: "number",
        description: "The id of the note you want to remove",
    async (argv) => {
      const id = await removeNote(argv.id);
      console.log("note removed", id);
    "web [port]", // optional [port]
    "launch website to see notes",
    (yargs) => {
      return yargs.positional("port", {
        describe: "port to bind on",
        default: 5000,
        type: "number",
    async (argv) => {
      const notes = await getAllNotes();
      start(notes, argv.port);
    "remove all notes",
    () => {},
    async (argv) => {
      await removeAllNotes();
      console.log("db reseted");


With ES6 import / export syntax which is pretty new, this is how to run jest:

    "test": "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js"

Example test:

import { jest } from "@jest/globals";

jest.unstable_mockModule("../src/db.js", () => ({
  insertDB: jest.fn(),
  getDB: jest.fn(),
  saveDB: jest.fn(),

const { insertDB, getDB, saveDB } = await import("../src/db.js");
const { newNote, getAllNotes, removeNote } = await import("../src/notes.js");

beforeEach(() => {

test("newNote inserts data and return it", async () => {
  const note = {
    content: "this is my note",
    id: 1,
    tags: ["hello"],

  const result = await newNote(note.content, note.tags);
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