[Typescript] Typing a Function Composition with Overloads and Generics
import { expect, it } from 'vitest';
import { Equal, Expect } from '../helpers/type-utils';
export function compose<T1, T2>(func: (t1: T1) => T2): (t1: T1) => T2;
export function compose<T1, T2, T3>(
func1: (t1: T1) => T2,
func2: (t2: T2) => T3
): (t1: T1) => T3;
export function compose<T1, T2, T3, T4>(
func1: (t1: T1) => T2,
func2: (t2: T2) => T3,
func3: (t3: T3) => T4
): (t1: T1) => T4;
export function compose<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(
func1: (t1: T1) => T2,
func2: (t2: T2) => T3,
func3: (t3: T3) => T4,
func4: (t3: T4) => T5
): (t1: T1) => T5;
export function compose(...funcs: Array<(input: any) => any>) {
return (input: any) => {
return funcs.reduce((acc, fn) => fn(acc), input);
const addOne = (num: number) => {
return num + 1;
const addTwoAndStringify = compose(addOne, addOne, addOne, String);
it('Should compose multiple functions together', () => {
const result = addTwoAndStringify(4);
type tests = [Expect<Equal<typeof result, string>>];
it('Should error when the input to a function is not typed correctly', () => {
const stringifyThenAddOne = compose(
// addOne takes in a number - so it shouldn't be allowed after
// a function that returns a string!
// @ts-expect-error