[RxJS] AuditTime & throttleTime
import { fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { auditTime, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
const click$ = fromEvent(document, 'click');
* auditTime will begin window when the source emits. Then,
* once the window passes, the last emitted value
* from the source will be emitted. For instance, in this
* example if you click a 4s timer will be started.
* At the end, the last click event during that window
* will be emitted by auditTime. This is similar to the
* behavior of throttleTime, if you were to pass in a config
* to emit the value on the trailing edge.
* adding mapping to stackblitz example since logging
* raw events is flaky
// @ts-ignore
map(({clientX, clientY}) => ({clientX, clientY}))
throttleTime: leading: false, tailing: true:
In face: auditTime is the same as throttleTime with trailing true:
throttleTime(500, asyncScheduler, {leading: false, trailing: true})
the same as