[Typescript] Get class properties type in union
For example there is a clas:
export class ModifierState {
* Returns the modifier state applicable to the keyboard event given.
* @param event The keyboard event to read.
* @returns The current state of keyboard modifiers.
static fromKeyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent): ModifierState;
* Whether shift is currently pressed.
shift: boolean;
* Whether ctrl is currently pressed.
ctrl: boolean;
* Whether alt is currently pressed.
alt: boolean;
* Whether meta (apple key) is currently pressed.
meta: boolean;
* Whether hyper (windows key) is currently pressed.
hyper: boolean;
I want to get properties in union:
'alt' | 'ctrl' | 'hyper' | 'meta' | 'shift'
type Properties<T extends {new (...args: any[]): any}> = keyof InstanceType<T>
type ModifierProperties = Properties<typeof ModifierState>