[RxJS] Simplified retryWhen and repeatWhen

    retryWhen(error$ => error$.pipe(

// can just be
        delay: getNotifier

 * The {@link retry} operator configuration object. `retry` either accepts a `number`
 * or an object described by this interface.
export interface RetryConfig {
   * The maximum number of times to retry. If `count` is omitted, `retry` will try to
   * resubscribe on errors infinite number of times.
  count?: number;
   * The number of milliseconds to delay before retrying, OR a function to
   * return a notifier for delaying. If a function is given, that function should
   * return a notifier that, when it emits will retry the source. If the notifier
   * completes _without_ emitting, the resulting observable will complete without error,
   * if the notifier errors, the error will be pushed to the result.
  delay?: number | ((error: any, retryCount: number) => ObservableInput<any>);
   * Whether or not to reset the retry counter when the retried subscription
   * emits its first value.
  resetOnSuccess?: boolean;


// Before: a simple daly
    retryWhen(error$ => error$.pipe(
        switchMap(() => timer(5000))

// Now
        delay: 5000


posted @ 2022-03-30 15:21  Zhentiw  阅读(112)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报