[AWS] SSH into EC2 instanse

When Launch a new EC2 instance, in the final step, you can create a new private key pair and download it as pem file.

For example, I have one call `mynewkeypair.pem`.


Secrity group:

When creating security group, you need to make sure, you have allow `Anywhere` for `HTTP` & `SSH` (just for testing, not for production)


1. Change premission for pem file:

chmod 400 mynewkeypair.pem


2. SSH into EC2:

ssh ec2-user@<public_ipv4_address> -i mynewkeypair.pem

You can find <public_ipv4_address> in EC2 instanse information.


3. Type `yes` to continue


4. When successfully login, you will see:


Now, let's say, we want to turn our linux server as web hosting server.

1. Switch to root user

sudo su


2. Check any packages need to be udpated

yum update -y


3. Install Apache server:

yum install httpd -y


4. Start the server:

systemctl start httpd

This start the server manually, if we want to start the server automaticlly when the server bootstrap, we can do:

systemctl enable httpd


5. Verify:

systemctl status httpd

You can see:

Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-03-22 08:43:11 UTC; 1min 59s ago


6. Add new webpage:

cd /var/www/html
nano index.html

Add simple html:

<html><body><h1>Hello Cloud Guru!!</h1></body></html>

Save the file:

Ctrl + X


7. See the page:

Copy the Public IP address and paste into browser,  you should see the hello message


posted @ 2021-03-22 16:55  Zhentiw  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报