[Unit Testing Java] Unit testing with Mockito vs. integration testing


package com.example.ec.service;

import com.example.ec.domain.Tour;
import com.example.ec.domain.TourRating;
import com.example.ec.repo.TourRatingRepository;
import com.example.ec.repo.TourRepository;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Page;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import java.util.*;

 * Tour Rating Service
 * Created by Mary Ellen Bowman.

public class TourRatingService {
    private TourRatingRepository tourRatingRepository;
    private TourRepository tourRepository;

     * Construct TourRatingService
     * @param tourRatingRepository Tour Rating Repository
     * @param tourRepository Tour Repository
    public TourRatingService(TourRatingRepository tourRatingRepository, TourRepository tourRepository) {
        this.tourRatingRepository = tourRatingRepository;
        this.tourRepository = tourRepository;

     * Create a new Tour Rating in the database
     * @param tourId tour identifier
     * @param customerId customer identifier
     * @param score score of the tour rating
     * @param comment additional comment
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no Tour found.
    public void createNew(int tourId, Integer customerId, Integer score, String comment) throws NoSuchElementException {
        tourRatingRepository.save(new TourRating(verifyTour(tourId), customerId,
                score, comment));

     * Get All Ratings.
     * @return List of TourRatings
    public List<TourRating> lookupAll()  {
        return tourRatingRepository.findAll();

    public Optional<TourRating> lookupRatingById(int id)  {
        return tourRatingRepository.findById(id);

     * Get a page of tour ratings for a tour.
     * @param tourId tour identifier
     * @param pageable page parameters to determine which elements to fetch
     * @return Page of TourRatings
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no Tour found.
    public Page<TourRating> lookupRatings(int tourId, Pageable pageable) throws NoSuchElementException  {
        return tourRatingRepository.findByTourId(verifyTour(tourId).getId(), pageable);

     * Update some of the elements of a Tour Rating.
     * @param tourId tour identifier
     * @param score score of the tour rating
     * @param comment additional comment
     * @return Tour Rating Domain Object
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no Tour found.
    public TourRating update(int tourId, Integer customerId, Integer score, String comment) throws NoSuchElementException {
        TourRating rating = verifyTourRating(tourId, customerId);
        return tourRatingRepository.save(rating);

     * Update all of the elements of a Tour Rating.
     * @param tourId tour identifier
     * @param customerId customer identifier
     * @param score score of the tour rating
     * @param comment additional comment
     * @return Tour Rating Domain Object
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no Tour found.
    public TourRating updateSome(int tourId, Integer customerId, Integer score, String comment)
            throws NoSuchElementException {
        TourRating rating = verifyTourRating(tourId, customerId);
        if (score != null) {
        if (comment!= null) {
        return tourRatingRepository.save(rating);

     * Delete a Tour Rating.
     * @param tourId tour identifier
     * @param customerId customer identifier
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no Tour found.
    public void delete(int tourId, Integer customerId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        TourRating rating = verifyTourRating(tourId, customerId);
     * Get the average score of a tour.
     * @param tourId tour identifier
     * @return average score as a Double.
     * @throws NoSuchElementException
    public Double getAverageScore(int tourId)  throws NoSuchElementException  {
        List<TourRating> ratings = tourRatingRepository.findByTourId(verifyTour(tourId).getId());
        OptionalDouble average = ratings.stream().mapToInt((rating) -> rating.getScore()).average();
        return average.isPresent() ? average.getAsDouble():null;
     * Service for many customers to give the same score for a service
     * @param tourId
     * @param score
     * @param customers

    public void rateMany(int tourId,  int score, Integer [] customers) {

        Tour tour = tourRepository.findById(tourId).orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("rateMany, no valid tourId"));
        for (Integer c : customers) {
            tourRatingRepository.save(new TourRating(tour, c, score));

     * Verify and return the Tour given a tourId.
     * @param tourId
     * @return the found Tour
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no Tour found.
    private Tour verifyTour(int tourId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        return tourRepository.findById(tourId).orElseThrow(() ->
                new NoSuchElementException("Tour does not exist " + tourId)

     * Verify and return the TourRating for a particular tourId and Customer
     * @param tourId
     * @param customerId
     * @return the found TourRating
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if no TourRating found
    private TourRating verifyTourRating(int tourId, int customerId) throws NoSuchElementException {
        return tourRatingRepository.findByTourIdAndCustomerId(tourId, customerId).orElseThrow(() ->
                new NoSuchElementException("Tour-Rating pair for request("
                        + tourId + " for customer" + customerId));




Unit testing:

package com.example.ec.service;

import com.example.ec.domain.Tour;
import com.example.ec.domain.TourRating;
import com.example.ec.repo.TourRatingRepository;
import com.example.ec.repo.TourRepository;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Page;
import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public class TourRatingServiceTest {

    private static final int CUSTOMER_ID = 123;
    private static final int TOUR_ID = 1;
    private static final int TOUR_RATING_ID = 100;

    private TourRepository tourRepositoryMock;

    TourRatingRepository tourRatingRepositoryMock;

    // will inject tourRepositoryMock, tourRatingRepositoryMock to service
    private TourRatingService service;

    private Tour tourMock;

    private TourRating tourRatingMock;

     * Mock Response to commonly invoked methods
    public void setupReturnValuesOfMockMethods() {

    public void lookupRatingById() {

        //invoke and verify lookupRatingById
        assertThat(service.lookupRatingById(TOUR_RATING_ID).get(), is(tourRatingMock));

    public void lookupAll() {

        //invoke and verify lookupAll
        assertThat(service.lookupAll().get(0), is(tourRatingMock));

    public void getAverageScore() {

        //invoke and verify getAverageScore
        assertThat(service.getAverageScore(TOUR_ID), is(10.0));

    public void lookupRatings() {
        //create mocks of Pageable and Page (only needed in this test)
        Pageable pageable = mock(Pageable.class);
        Page page = mock(Page.class);
        when(tourRatingRepositoryMock.findByTourId(1, pageable)).thenReturn(page);

        //invoke and verify lookupRatings
        assertThat(service.lookupRatings(TOUR_ID, pageable), is(page));
     * Verify the invocation of dependencies.

    public void delete() {
        //invoke delete

        //verify tourRatingRepository.delete invoked

    public void rateMany() {
        //invoke rateMany
        service.rateMany(TOUR_ID, 10, new Integer[]{CUSTOMER_ID, CUSTOMER_ID + 1});

        //verify tourRatingRepository.save invoked twice
        verify(tourRatingRepositoryMock, times(2)).save(any(TourRating.class));

    public void update() {
        //invoke update
        service.update(TOUR_ID,CUSTOMER_ID,5, "great");

        //verify tourRatingRepository.save invoked once

        //verify and tourRating setter methods invoked

    public void updateSome() {
        //invoke updateSome
        service.updateSome(TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, 1, "awful");

        //verify tourRatingRepository.save invoked once

        //verify and tourRating setter methods invoked

     * Verify the invocation of dependencies
     * Capture parameter values.
     * Verify the parameters.

    public void createNew() {
        //prepare to capture a TourRating Object
        ArgumentCaptor<TourRating> tourRatingCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(TourRating.class);

        //invoke createNew
        service.createNew(TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, 2, "ok");

        //verify tourRatingRepository.save invoked once and capture the TourRating Object

        //verify the attributes of the Tour Rating Object
        assertThat(tourRatingCaptor.getValue().getTour(), is(tourMock));
        assertThat(tourRatingCaptor.getValue().getCustomerId(), is(CUSTOMER_ID));
        assertThat(tourRatingCaptor.getValue().getScore(), is(2));
        assertThat(tourRatingCaptor.getValue().getComment(), is("ok"));


Integration testing:

package com.example.ec.service;

import com.example.ec.domain.TourRating;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

 * Created by Mary Ellen Bowman
public class TourRatingServiceIntegrationTest {
    private static final int CUSTOMER_ID = 456;
    private static final int TOUR_ID = 1;
    private static final int NOT_A_TOUR_ID = 123;

    private TourRatingService service;

    //Happy Path delete existing TourRating.
    public void delete() {
        List<TourRating> tourRatings = service.lookupAll();
        service.delete(tourRatings.get(0).getTour().getId(), tourRatings.get(0).getCustomerId());
        assertThat(service.lookupAll().size(), is(tourRatings.size() - 1));

    //UnHappy Path, Tour NOT_A_TOUR_ID does not exist
    @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
    public void deleteException() {
        service.delete(NOT_A_TOUR_ID, 1234);

    //Happy Path to Create a new Tour Rating
    public void createNew() {
        //would throw NoSuchElementException if TourRating for TOUR_ID by CUSTOMER_ID already exists
        service.createNew(TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, 2, "it was fair");

        //Verify New Tour Rating created.
        TourRating newTourRating = service.verifyTourRating(TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID);
        assertThat(newTourRating.getTour().getId(), is(TOUR_ID));
        assertThat(newTourRating.getCustomerId(), is(CUSTOMER_ID));
        assertThat(newTourRating.getScore(), is(2));
        assertThat(newTourRating.getComment(), is ("it was fair"));

    //UnHappy Path, Tour NOT_A_TOUR_ID does not exist
    @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
    public void createNewException() {
        service.createNew(NOT_A_TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, 2, "it was fair");

    //Happy Path many customers Rate one tour
    public void rateMany() {
        int ratings = service.lookupAll().size();
        service.rateMany(TOUR_ID, 5, new Integer[]{100, 101, 102});
        assertThat(service.lookupAll().size(), is(ratings + 3));

    //Unhappy Path, 2nd Invocation would create duplicates in the database, DataIntegrityViolationException thrown
    @Test(expected = DataIntegrityViolationException.class)
    public void rateManyProveRollback() {
        int ratings = service.lookupAll().size();
        Integer customers[] = {100, 101, 102};
        service.rateMany(TOUR_ID, 3, customers);
        service.rateMany(TOUR_ID, 3, customers);

    //Happy Path, Update a Tour Rating already in the database
    public void update() {
        TourRating tourRating = service.update(TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, 1, "one");
        assertThat(tourRating.getTour().getId(), is(TOUR_ID));
        assertThat(tourRating.getCustomerId(), is(CUSTOMER_ID));
        assertThat(tourRating.getScore(), is(1));
        assertThat(tourRating.getComment(), is("one"));

    //Unhappy path, no Tour Rating exists for tourId=1 and customer=1
    @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
    public void updateException() throws Exception {
        service.update(1, 1, 1, "one");

    //Happy Path, Update a Tour Rating already in the database
    public void updateSome() {
        TourRating tourRating = service.update(TOUR_ID, CUSTOMER_ID, 1, "one");
        assertThat(tourRating.getTour().getId(), is(TOUR_ID));
        assertThat(tourRating.getCustomerId(), is(CUSTOMER_ID));
        assertThat(tourRating.getScore(), is(1));
        assertThat(tourRating.getComment(), is("one"));

    //Unhappy path, no Tour Rating exists for tourId=1 and customer=1
    @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
    public void updateSomeException() throws Exception {
        service.update(1, 1, 1, "one");

    //Happy Path get average score of a Tour.
    public void getAverageScore() {
        assertTrue(service.getAverageScore(TOUR_ID) == 4.0);

    //UnHappy Path, Tour NOT_A_TOUR_ID does not exist
    @Test(expected = NoSuchElementException.class)
    public void getAverageScoreException() {
        service.getAverageScore(NOT_A_TOUR_ID); //That tour does not exist


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