[Tools] Dendron
Dendron is a Visual Studio Code extension that you can download and install free of charge.
To download a visual studio code extension, we press Command + Shift + P on the Mac. Then you type: install extensions. Search for Dendron and download all the related plugins.
To initialize a Dendron Workspace, we use Command + Shift + P and type Dendron: initialize workspace
This activates the extension and creates the minimum amount of Dendron files we need to get started.
Cmd + Shift + S: to create a new md file Cmd + Shift + ArrowDown: To move sub-directory Cmd + Shift + ArrowUp: To move parent directory Cmd + Shift + ArrowLeft: To move previous pair directory Cmd + Shift + ArrowRight: To move next pair directory Cmd + shift + I: to create a daily note `time` + Tab: 2020-12-07 21:31 `to` + Tab: - [ ] this is a todo Cmd + shift + 4: screenshot copy the image Cmd + Shift + P: Paste image ![](/assets/images/2020-12-07-21-34-03.png) Started learned [[dendron]]