[Angular] @ViewChild read custom directive and exportAs

For example we have a component:

<Card ></Card>


And a driective:

<Card highlighted></Card>


We want to get the driective instant inside the component code, we can use @ViewChild:

@ViewChild(CardComponennt, {read: HighlightedDirective}) highlighted: HighlightedDirective


Then we can access the instant in ngAfterViewInited lifecycle hook.




Another way to access driective is inside component template. we need to use 'exportAs' from  the directive:

   name: 'highlighted',
   exportAs: 'hl'


toggle () {...}

Inside the template, we can get it from the template reference:

<Card highlighted #hlref="hl"></Card>

<button (click)="hlref.toggle()"></button>


posted @ 2019-01-08 16:01  Zhentiw  阅读(233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报