随笔分类 - Vue
摘要:Components are one of the most powerful features of Vue. Let's take a look at how to write our first components and make use of them in a parent compo
摘要:Let's use a range of events and their modifiers to look at the cool ways we can deal with event handlers in Vue. Using '@' replace 'v-on' @submit.prev
摘要:Nuxt.js allows you to return a Promise from your data function so that you can asynchronously resolve data before displaying the page. This allows the
摘要:Nuxt.js enables you to easily create layout and navigation by replacing the default App.vue template with your own _app.vue template. Then you simply
摘要:The vue-cli allows you to easily start up Vue projects from the command line while Nuxt.js enables a page-based routing system that follows your file