随笔分类 - Mobile Web
摘要:Responsive Images:Responsive image means images which display on our website will adjust its width and height automaticlly according to different scre...
摘要:MAX-WIDTHSet themax-widthofimagesto100%.img{ max-width: 100%;}MAX-WIDTH ON ASSETSSet themax-widthofimages,embeds,objects, andvideosto100%.img,embed...
摘要:FIND THE BREAKPOINTUsing the border handles on either side, keep resizing the site below to see where the logo breaks. Once you find it, write amedia ...
摘要:IPHONE MEDIA QUERYWe want to target a mobile device, specifically an iPhone. Write amedia queryto target the iPhone's320pxwidth, using themax-widthpro...
摘要:SET WIDTH OF SIDEBARUsingpercentages, set thewidthfor the.sidebarto the equivalent of400pxto 6 decimals. Remember, the context is the total width of t...
摘要:MOBILE WEB DEMOSet thebodyfont-sizeusing relative sizing so that 1em = 10px. Remember, the default font-size for a browser is 16px.body {font-size: 62...